A Change is as Good as a Rest

 A change is as good as a rest. Is it really? 

My husband and I were badly in need of a rest. It’s been full on season for us, and we haven’t been able to take a holiday of any kind for almost a year. So a couple of weeks ago we took ourselves away for 2 nights in lovely Ludlow, full board in a very comfortable hotel. We rested, we ate well, we visited historic sites and quaint shops. It was a change from the norm and it felt great. For 2 days… it probably wasn’t long enough! But the change of scene and tempo was a blessing.

I actually haven’t been able to write ‘proper’ for weeks now. That is, work on my fiction writing. I have written stuff… I am writing now! But because of the demands on my time and energy I just haven’t felt like I have had the headspace for creativity. I don’t think I’m the only one feeling like that at present. Lately I have realised that I miss my fiction writing and I need it. I need to exercise my creative side. I need to be able to lose myself in my imaginary medieval world. It is an escape and it is life giving! A change that gives me a rest from the things I have to face in real life.

Last year I stepped out in faith with a couple of brave author friends and planned a Christian Writers Retreat. We held it here, near my home, on the glorious Lleyn Peninsula. We didn’t really know what we were doing, why we were doing it, or who would come. But God knew, so we covered it, and ourselves, with lots of prayer. And prayed for those who courageously booked to come.

God did not disappoint. It was an incredible few days. A group of writers had made time to get away from their every day lives, to rest, to enjoy good company and good food, to be inspired and encouraged in their writing, and most of all to soak in God’s presence. It was a truly beautiful time.

Was it tiring? Yes, exhausting. But was it worth it? Absolutely. Was it a change and a rest from normal life? Undoubtedly. Are we going to do it again? Actually we are, yes!

We believe that God has given us the green light to run another retreat this summer. It will have the same theme as last year, ‘Writing Kingdom Stories’, will be in the same venue, and have the same caterers (hurrah!).

The team behind the Retreat this year are all writers who believe they are called to write Kingdom stories, whether those stories are fictional, or real life. In our wonderful ACW we are all Christians who love Jesus and love writing, but there are very many different types of writers within our ranks. Many Christian writers feel they should be writing for the mainstream market, some write for academia or for the business world, some write just for their own pleasure, or as a devotional aid. There is room for all of us.

But if you feel that you would like to write stories that more obviously carry the powerful truths of God’s word, that point the reader to Jesus, that could help expand His Kingdom... Kingdom stories... then our Retreat might be just the thing for you. If you already write Kingdom stories, whether published or not, then we would love to share time with you. If you don’t understand what Kingdom Stories are, but feel drawn to come and find out, then please do join us! Or if you would just like a break in beautiful North Wales, surrounded by sea, sky and mountains, with good food and great writerly company… you are welcome!

Below on the image are the basic details, but please do contact me if you would like more information.

A change of scenery, a change of air, a change of pace, a change of routine – we can promise you all of those things. A rest? Hopefully that too.

 Joy Margetts writes Christian Historical Fiction. Her debut novel 'The Healing' was published in March 2021, and her second ‘The Pilgrim’ in July 2022. Her third novel 'The Bride' was  published 20th October 2023. She has also recently published her first non-fiction book, an Advent Devotional entitled 'Christ Illuminated'.

 Joy makes her home in beautiful North Wales and takes her inspiration from its rich spiritual history and stunning landscapes. She is also wife, mother and grandmother and a lover of the Word of God. Her personal blog and more information about her books can be found here www.joymargetts.com 



  1. I too haven't written much lately but I have remained creative. I think we can go through seasons of flow and seasons of drip. When God wants me back in the flow and I am willing, He will make it pour. We all need faith in our writing and ourselves.

    1. Thanks Brendan. I'm not afraid of seasons, and this one has been busy but also exciting. I just feel I need to prioritise my fiction more. Realise how important it is to me, and for me.

  2. I too have had a break from creative writing, and I have realised that I have taken on a lot of very worth-while activities, too many in fact. I have become butterfly-minded by trying to fit everything in, and my creativity has suffered, I think because I feel this is a bit selfish and I ought to be doing unselfish things all the time. I love writing. I love spending time with the characters who grow and develop with a story. I even love the baddies, and as we know, baddies do need a lot of love, don't they? Your lovely blog has made me think, and my comment is turning out to be advice to self. Thank you Joy.

    1. Veronica Bright. Sorry new computer challenges continue!!!

    2. Thanks Veronica. Yes other things can be good, but I've realised it's not selfish to lose myself in my fiction. I need it!

  3. Lovely post, Joy, Thanks. I have never gone for a retreat before. There is always a first time and I hope I can take this opportunity. Blessings,

    1. Thank you for commenting with such encouraging words, as always.

  4. Thank you! It's true, writing is like a rest, a little haven where the only demands are thinking of trouble for the characters and finding a way to save them...or not! Great advice, would love a retreat, but it won't be yet...

    1. Would love to have you! But I do understand x


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