A buzz of excitement by Sophia Anyanwu
I’m excited! You might wonder as there is so much pain and conflict in parts of the world like Ukraine as I write! Life still goes on and we can only continue to hold God’s creation in prayers. Back to my excitement. No, to all your thoughts about a published book, a completed manuscript, a compelling review, a contract offer… I’ll give you a clue. It couldn’t have been easy for our Papa God to have created the world in the time He did! He had it all planned out and like us, must have mulled over what things to prioritise. It was hard work and it had to be perfect. What excited God was His doing something new and completely different from all His other works of creation. That was when He created you and I! He said, ‘Let us make man in our image’. Surely, it was the creation of Man that pleased Him the most. He must have been excited. How do you feel when you create new genres and works? In November 2021, during the NaNoWriMo season, I birthed a new book of 50,395 words: Proph