Am I good enough? Does it matter? by Marion Andrews of GPCW
On the 17th of the month, MTW will feature ACW local group Green Pastures Christian Writers, based in Norfolk. This first one is from long-standing member Marion Andrews. When I first heard of the Association of Christian Writers, I was slightly sceptical. Would it be something for me? I was a Christian who enjoyed writing, but not what I recognised as 'Christian Writing'. Also, my life, as a mum with four children, then later a nurse working for the NHS in a hospice setting, was busy and writing took a back seat. Then I retired and my desire to write returned. The future of the NHS was a subject very close to my heart. I was concerned that when my grandchildren were adults, they would not know how our NHS had been a flagship across the world, providing good care to everyone according to their need, not their bank balance. I started to write a memoir of my training days in London, in the 60’s, and ultimately self-published it. I enjoyed writing it although my poor IT skills ca