Be Like Goldie

We have just returned from the Netherlands, where we stayed for two weeks. We went because of my sister’s wedding, which Goldie didn’t know, but she came happily along anyway. Goldie isn’t keen on holidays and packed cars, as the very first time we went on holiday, she returned to the original owners, as she wasn’t old enough to leave the country yet. Goldie was happy enough to see the owners, but not so happy when we left in the loaded car. So since then, she has been very suspicious of loaded cars and the word Holiday. When she is near us, her tail is still wagging, for although she is worried, she loves and trusts us. We might not like editing or what we will think the editor will do to our manuscript, but be like Goldie. We are daily shaped and moulded, by an all-knowing God, so trust the process. Being kind and a working dog, she tries to help with packing by taking things into the garden to line them up and check their quality. Goldie could probably get a job som...