Making time by Susan Sanderson
“I’ve no time for her!” “I don’t know where the time goes.” “Everyone has the same amount of time.” These are three of the many expressions I have heard about time. The first two are in general use. People naturally avoid time-wasters and those they don’t like. Time passes whether we use it usefully or not. The third statement was made by a friend of mine in the context of music practice. We can choose to manage our time or to end up feeling we have achieved little. For Christians there is another dimension. We can give our time to God asking him to guide us to use it wisely. He knows when the person we want to speak to will be able to answer the phone. He may inspire us to improve our efficiency. Planters at Scargill House June 2016 Volunteers used their time to replant these over the weekend I like to share posts from this blog on Twitter. It seems to me that it is useful to include the Twitter handle (username) of the blogger in the Tweet. Hardly any