Achieving Goals

Did you set any writing goals at the start of the year? As we rapidly approach the end of another 12 months, how many of those goals did you achieve or are on the way to achieving? Someone set some kind of goal here but I've yet to see this one achieved! Pixabay image If it is any comfort, I haven’t met all of mine either (though a number are underway). I like to set some targets for the year because I’ve found having something positive to work towards incredibly helpful. I am much more likely to achieve something having done that. I suppose the goals seem more real when written down so it makes me get on with them. Setting goals is a good idea. You know what you're aiming for. Pixabay image. Do I “beat myself up” when it comes to NOT achieving all I would have liked to have done? Absolutely not. Life DOES get in the way at times and it can be a question of writing what you can when you can and ho...