Embrace your destiny

"As you come to him the living Stone - rejected by men but chosen by God, and precious to him - you also like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house... "    1 Peter 2:4

Many lives have been invested in writing books with the dream that among the millions published each day ours will be found.  My desire in writing books to romance the soul and spirit is to reveal God’s love for His people and draw them to become part of His spiritual house.   With that in mind my husband and I recently invested in a Destiny Activation Course believing it would assist us to see, with the Lord’s help, how that could become a reality.  We found every participant on the Course had a different call to serve the Lord, but sadly their church didn’t provide encouragement, prayer or financial support to help them.  One couple, with two sets of twins, had in faith, sold up their home called to join a farming project in India.
At best, many church members have a daily relationship with the Lord, come to fellowship together praying, praising and hearing God’s Word preached.  Similar to a natural family that grows and develops, we as God's people should be doing the same supporting each other to know God’s call on our lives so we can fulfil His plans and purposes.  
Peter writes we are to be like living stones built into a spiritual house – a house without walls.  With the incredible advances in technology that spiritual house can stretch across the world.  But the enemy has sought to split and divide the church into many denominations with varying beliefs.  Christianity is now seen as a religion rather than a family with a living, loving relationship of a  heavenly Father who has adopted us as His children.
In the midst of the Destiny course I spoke how years before the Lord had directed me to build an umbrella organisation to connect His people bringing opportunity to interact and support each other.  The project failed due to lack of interest, but the Course participants met the idea with enthusiasm, emails were shared and a ‘What’s App’ Group formed.  A few weeks later this became a lifeline to the couple going to India when the wife became desperately ill, and their departure indefinitely postponed.

ACW is an umbrella organisation. Over twenty years I’ve attended meetings, bi-annual conferences and a monthly joining of Christian writers’ in my area, yet there is little opportunity to break out with other writers into the secular market.  I’d like to see us contributing and supporting a bookstall at a ‘worldly’ event where we could talk, pray and sell those books which testify to God’s love and won’t be found elsewhere.

It’s in our unity that the Lord commands the blessing. His call on my life is three-fold: intercessor, writer and networker. My desire is to invest what I’ve been given into the lives of others. I believe the Lord can multiply the little we have to offer and from that can feed thousands of people.  
Whatever the call on your life if you'd like to be linked with others of like mind please email me at: admin@emanuel-publishing.com.

                                                                                                                 Ruth Johnson
