Right, Write by Wendy H. Jones

As this is a writing blog we spend a lot of time talking about writing. Quite rightly so. The advice and information I have received from many of the bloggers involved in this multi-author blog, has proved invaluable. Time after time, I adjust my writing based on that advice. It is what makes me, and I am sure many of you, better writers. I would like to give my grateful thanks to all those ACW members who take time out of their busy schedule to write a post every month.

I'd like to take one point of what I have said above, and explore it further. The point is

Busy Schedules

As writers we should be writing. The clue is in our title, set out clearly, and with no room for mistakes. Yet, many of us find ourselves distracted by a veritable tsunami of other tasks. Everyday life comes along and derails us. Then there's promoting our books, giving talks, attending conferences, the list goes on an on and on. Before we know where we are writing is put on the back burner.

So, today I am encouraging everyone reading this blog to park their bottoms in a seat and write. If you dictate your writing whilst walking, get going. Whatever way you do it, now is the time. Oh, and have fun doing it. Being a writer is a wild ride. Enjoy every exhilarating moment of it. 

About the Author 

Wendy H. Jones is the award winning author of The DI Shona McKenzie Mysteries. The fifth book in the series 'Killer's Crew' won the Books Go Social Book of the Year 2017. Her first YA novel, 'The Dagger's Curse' is shortlisted for the Woman Alive Readers Choice Award. 


  1. Thanks, Wendy. I'm planning to do just that once I've done the shopping!

    1. Eating is also important, Jane. As is breathing 😀

  2. Thanks for the reminder, Wendy. Right now we are into a 'family and relatives' time - graduation of son, visitors (including meeting graduating son's girlfriend), moving mother-in-law etc etc'time. Life is frantic and I haven't written much at all. But today is a little space in my hectic programme and guess what I'm going to indulge my writing...

  3. We did some crime writing today at our writers group meeting!

    1. Hope you had fun doing it.

    2. We did some creative writing (yesterday - the same day)! We had to write 3 more sentences following a single sentence prompt. Sue


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