THE WANDERING JEW AND ISRAEL - A Bit of Background by Bobbie Ann Cole


Romans carry away Temple Treasures

As I study for my Masters in Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, I am learning that Jewish History is a big story of exile. You may be aware that, in AD70, the Romans sacked Jerusalem and destroyed its glorious Temple. They began carrying away the rebellious Jews, out of the land that had been their home since biblical times.


The term ‘Wandering Jew’ was coined as Jews spread out across the Middle East and throughout Europe, from where they came to be constantly expelled:

·        1290 England

·        1340 France

·        1492 Spain

·        1497 Portugal…

Where Jews remained, they were marginalized. Why was this? On the one hand, they were the Christian’s inheritance, the writers and characters of the Old Testament. They should not be killed. But on the other, they had murdered Jesus. They should be suppressed.


The Crusades, beginning in 1096, annihilated Jews as well as Saracens in the Holy Land. The Spanish Inquisition that began in 1497, enforced Jewish conversion to Christianity. Pogroms were a fun hobby of Russian Cossacks in the shtetels: ride in with sabres unsheathed and slice through as many Jews as possible.

We come to the Holocaust of the Second World War when the Nazis decided to systematically wipe them out.


It is hardly surprising that after the War, in 1947, a horrified United Nations decided that never again would the Jew have nowhere to run to. Throughout the twentieth century and earlier, Jews had campaigned for a homeland. Their idyll was Israel and Jewish pioneers had begun pouring into what was then Palestine, founding kibbutzim, working together to turn the desert green.

The vote for the creation of the State of Israel on November 29, 1947, coincided with the discovery of the first Dead Sea Scrolls. More than 90% of these fragments and scrolls, dated to the last centuries BC and the first century AD, are in Hebrew, proving that this Land is indeed the ancestral Jewish homeland.  


You won’t find the name Palestine in your Bible.

The Roman Empire began using it in the 2nd century AD to denote the biblical areas of Israel and Judea. The people from the Middle East who drifted into the area became known as Palestinians.


The State of Israel came into being on May 14, 1948, when an Israeli government took over from the British Mandate that had been in place since 1917, the year when the British took over from the Turkish Ottoman Empire that had ruled Palestine for 300 years.

No Palestinian government was toppled. Palestinians had never been self-governing. 

Today, Arab MPs  sit in the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament).  In Gaza and Arab areas of the West Bank, they vote in elections. Sadly, they voted in a party whose avowed aim is another Final Solution: the annihilation of  Israelis. 

In 1948, Israelis would have been content to live together in peace. However, many Palestinians chose to up sticks and go to live in camps in neighbouring countries. Others chose to become snipers, which sadly led to some of their hilltop villages being evacuated.


At the same time, all of Israel’s neighbours declared war: Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan. Soon, these countries would expel their Jews. This time, however, my Egyptian Jewish in-laws and all the other Jews had somewhere to run to. Conditions in nascent Israel were harsh. They spent six months in tents and got very sick. In fact, they decided not to remain.

The big point here is that this was their decision. Not someone else’s. There would be no more Holocaust. No more extermination. Not then. Nor now. Never again.

Bobbie Ann Cole is a Christian author, speaker, teacher and book coach living in Jerusalem.

Sign up to her blog to receive her posts about her life. 



  1. Lovely post, Bobbie! Blessings and thank you so much for the very interesting info shared here. The words of our mouths carry power. The Jews have said that the horrible incidents of the past done towards them will NEVER happen again to them in this life time. So be it! God hears.
    It is a striking coincidence about the Dead Sea Scrolls discovery! How amazing.

    War is evil. Our prayers will continue for all nations in the world where there is conflict for God to grant peace. Blessings.

    1. Thank you, Sophie. War is terrible. But sometimes we have to go to war to save our lives.

  2. Words. Put the world of humanity under pressure and one thing that gets squeezed is the use and meaning of words. We've almost emerged from the shadow of a 'Pandemic' (I think I was more accustomed to using the word 'epidemic' before). Then we had 'lock-down' previously used in schools anyway, with locking the doors in the advent of an external physical threat e.g. terrorist or gunman. And now we have 'moral equivalence' and 'terrorist' or 'militant' to juggle. The BBC have made their choice. The Government have made theirs. What doesn't change is the truth, so, thank you Bobbie for being brave and taking the trouble to put some facts on the page and speaking up for the Jews and Israel. I note that the New Covenant words in Jeremiah 31 make it clear that first and foremost the New Covenant is with Judah and Israel (we Gentiles - including Palestinians - are included by being grafted in). I hear many reports of Jews and Arabs/Palestinians - despite the war - finding their way to Christ. I whether you could write about how the gospel is reaching Jews and non-Jews in Israel and nearby in a future post from your perspective living in Israel?

    1. Dear John - I would love to write about how the gospel is reaching folk of all stripes in the Land. Thank you for the nudge. You mention the New Covenant words of Jeremiah which I have just quoted in an article on my blog that you would find interesting: DRINK BLOOD? WHAT A DUM IDEA!

  3. Sometimes it seems as if some groups of people have to have others to pick on and to ostracize. We are all God's children, every one of us, brothers and sisters, whatever our backgrounds or faith. What a wonderful world it would be if we could all put Jesus's command, to love one another, to respect one another, into action.

  4. A most interesting post, covering ions of Jewish history. Thank you Bobbie for taking the time to post, especially as you have much studying to do.

  5. A most interesting post charting Jewish history through the ages. Thank you, Bobbie Ann, for taking the time to post when you have so much to study.

    1. I am really glad you found it helpful and useful, Mary. God bless.


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