I Am Not Writing

Summer is not a good time for writing. Most writers regard this as a 'truth universally acknowledged'. I know there are always those stalwarts who always carry on regardless, but my productivity over the past couple of months has been pathetic. I placed a few flash pieces at the beginning of July, but since then I’ve written diddly squat, even though my (paid) work has been on hold since the beginning of July. Most people blame everything on Brexit, the Pandemic, the war in Ukraine and Boris Johnson, but none of these apply to me. We are hosting a Ukrainian lady but I cannot say that she is preventing me from writing. So what excuses can I find? Holidays. They get in the way of writing, don’t they? In the nicest possible way, though. We had a wonderful time. I was full of good intentions, to WRITE SOMETHING while I was there, but exactly when and how I ...