The small things are the big things


It is a privilege to find my blog slot falls on Easter Sunday this year. 

My husband Roy and I have had a tough and challenging time over the past week, strongly supported by prayer. 

Maundy Thursday 2022

The corridor was deep inside the hospital labyrinth. I sat on a hard chair against the wall, with a few other women, separated by Covid restrictions, silent, glancing down the corridor opposite us from time to time. Some procedures are more invasive than others.

Then a man in his seventies came out of a treatment room, and one of the women stood up. The two didn’t speak. She looked up, an anxious question unspoken. He gave a small nod. She gave a half-smile and took his hand. They walked away together, a team, fighting something bigger than themselves.

Good Friday 2022

In a hospital there are many precious momentspatience where there could be conflict, understanding that people may be fearful or in pain, reassurance that everyone is doing their best.

There are many heart-rending moments too. In the men’s ward I saw a grey-faced man slumped in his bed, his pyjama jacket creeping down one arm. Another calling and calling for the nurse, and no nurse available to help. My own husband enduring extreme pain. Holding myself together until I got home to weep in our silent house.

As writers, if we can capture the small moments, we can keep our readers turning the pages and wanting to know more about the whole book/story/poem. The small moments are important, in fiction and in life. Sometimes, as the Samaritan woman found when Jesus had a conversation with her at the well, the small moments are big moments in disguise.

I wonder if you are now thinking of Mary, distraught, talking to a man she thought was a gardener. 

Easter Sunday 2022

Jesus Christ, we identify with you as trusted friend, beloved brother, kindest master, risen Lord. We have grieved anew for your suffering. Now we celebrate your return to the world. We carry your spirit with us. We greet that spirit daily and want to share it with every person we meet.

You write yourself into our lives. Help us to write you into the small things.


Today we are renewed as Easter People. Happy Easter everyone.


Veronica Bright has won over forty prizes for her short stories, now published in three collections. She is trying to persuade literary agents that her two novels for children are FANTASTIC! She is the ACW short story adviser, and runs the ACW Writing for Children group, whose members meet up on Zoom. For more details look on the Writing for Children Facebook page. 


  1. Thank you for your words, Veronica - heart-rending yet full of hope.

  2. Thank you so much Veronica, for this blogpost. You were standing on Holy ground.

  3. Thank you Kathleen for your beautiful message. Have a joyful day.

  4. Thank you for sharing your pain with us today, Veronica. Praying for you and your husband.

  5. God bless you Veronica for this! I was carried away by the events of your story over the days mentioned above to find out more. The small details really pull people in. It is my prayer that the power of our Lord's Resurrection will infuse good health in to your husband by the power of the Holy Spirit and the mercy and compassion of God. Amen. You will both testfy of the Lord's goodness. Blessings.

  6. What a very touching and beautiful post. Bless you xx

  7. I'm so sorry to hear that your husband has been so poorly, Veronica. How is he doing now? Praying that you'll both know God's goodness and love for you.

    1. Thank you Martyn for your kind thoughts and prayers. Still an uphill struggle, but a short break has renewed and refreshed us.


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