The Writing Process: 1) Taking the Plunge by Rebecca Seaton


The Writing Process: Taking the Plunge by Rebecca Seaton


So you want to be a writer? Maybe it’s something you’ve wanted to do for a while. You’re likely an avid reader and may have scraps of ideas you’ve been turning over in your mind. But  something’s shifted, the ‘Could I?’ that’s been at the back of your mind is at the forefront now.

One of the things that might concern you is how to get ideas. Inspiration is all around you. Think back over funny stories or events you’ve retold. Or what about when someone told you something? What sticks out? When you hear or see something interesting, start thinking ‘What if…?’ and playing with ideas.

The next step is to do something with those ideas. They might only exist in your head at this stage or you might have things spread across random notebooks or whatever’s at hand.

Silence the doubts. It’s easy to find reasons not to start. This is natural when taking a new step but stop any blockages before they become insurmountable. Writing is no different to any other area of life in that God is interested in it, so share your ideas, doubts and hopes with Him regularly. Be aware of the pitfalls of comparing yourself to others. A lot of us think ‘But what if I can’t?’ If you’re comparing yourself to others, you never will. Of course that person with sixteen published books, a professional website and four million followers seems impossible to match! Firstly, be careful how you measure success. Your writing journey may end up in a massive publishing deal or a modest circulation. At the end of the day, enjoying your writing is the important thing. And that person with several published books and the huge social media presence? The biggest difference is they’ve already started – they’ve just got more hours in the business than you. At one of my first ACW Writers’ Days, I was chatting to Ben Jeapes as I’d just bought his novel, On His Majesty’s Starship. He asked what I wrote and I said ‘fantasy’ but was quick to add, ‘But I’m not published.’ To which Ben said, ‘Not yet.’ At the time, getting my own work published seemed unlikely, but these days, my novel is on the same table as his at ACW events. He wasn’t comparing, so neither should I have – we just need to concentrate on the writing itself.

Delight in the journey. God has given you a story, a message, an idea. Thiat may mean something to future readers, but most of all, it should speak to you. Every technical achievement, whether finding the right word or sequencing key events, is the act of a writer. The more you do, the better you get and developing your voice as a writer is a powerful thing. Unravelling your story and characters is an act of creation. There really is nothing like that feeling of ‘I made this!’

Our God is creative and He will also take delight not just in your work coming to fruition but your faith and boldness in stepping out. So take the plunge and unleash the writer within – you’ll be glad you did.




 #amwriting #amwritingfantasy #ACW     


Rebecca earned second place in the 2017-18 Pen to Print Book Challenge with her first novel, A Silent Song. She is currently writing her next novel, The Prophet’s Grace, the first in a fantasy trilogy.


  1. Thank you for your positive message and encouragement.

  2. It's so important to, as you say, 'delight in the journey'. The process is as important as any concrete success, if not more so!

  3. Perfectly put. What a great encouragement.

  4. This is enormously encouraging, Rebecca. I'm having one of those days when I'm thoroughly fed up with social media and having to do all that self promotion, which I hate. Nice just to think about writing and why we do it.

  5. Delight in the journey. I like that! A great reminder.


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