What is Poetry? by Brendan Conboy

W. Somerset Maugham said, “The crown of literature is poetry.” As writers, what then do we think when we hear the word poetry? What is poetry? Do you agree with Maugham?

Ask 100 different people what they think poetry is and you will hear 100 different answers. Some will say that it is rubbish because they don’t understand it or relate to it. That is the same as saying, “All music is rubbish.”

I say, “Poetry is communication art. The power in words transforms a heart.”

Michael Rosen, in his book, ‘What is Poetry?’ says that poetry is something that someone writes and calls it a poem. In other words, if the author of a recipe for a fruit cake decided to call their recipe a poem, Michael would say that it is. Do you agree with Michael?

Consider these other quotes…

 ·       “Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history.” – Plato

·       “Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity.” – William Wordsworth

·       “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” – Robert Frost

·       Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood.” - T. S. Eliot

·       “I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled poets to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without knowing in the least what they mean.” – Socrates

If you like these quotes find more HERE.

To be fair to Michael Rosen, his book doesn’t actually answer the question of what poetry ‘IS.’ Instead, he talks about what it does, how it makes you feel and what you can do with it.

Rosen says poetry can…

·       Suggest things

·       Give an impression

·       Express a belief or culture

·       Play with words

·       Be symbolic

·       Be personal

·       Borrow voices

·       Capture a moment

·       Be ironic

·       Make new sense

·       And more

As Christian writers, isn’t this what we all want to achieve from our work?

Let’s go back to what I said above – ‘Words can transform a heart.’ I have presented many rhyming poetry workshops with various groups. Occasionally, someone present will tell me that they don’t ‘GET’ poetry. Then, after just a few hours their hearts are transformed and they too demonstrate their creative talents. I am always moved by this.

Ultimately, for me, poetry helps me to draw closer to God. This is what I want for others. I am, therefore, always seeking new opportunities and groups to work with. If you would like to know more about me coming to your group, for a time of poetic transformation, please contact me.

Brendan Conboy aka Half Man Half Poet is the author of 16 published books including two fascinating autobiographies, The Golden Thread and I'm Still VALUED.  In 1986, Brendan invited Jesus into his life and God blessed him with the gift of rhyming words.  He used that gift as a Christian Rap artist for 25 years and has written 6 poetry books including the entire Book of Psalms in Rhyme.  He has 3 published novels - Issues, Invasion of the Mimics and Legacy of the Mimics.  He is the creator of Book Blest Christian book festival.  Brendan is available for speaking events, poetry performances and workshops.  Visit Brendan's website HERE.


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    1. I'm in partnership with Jesus. My potential is unleashed through the power of the Holy Spirit. God the Father tailors my growth opportunities with His proven creative expertise.

  2. Thank you for a bold and confident blog, Brendan. Poetry itself is a powerful tool, not only for poets. I love the way novelists and storytellers use poetic phrases and beautiful imagery. Maybe we all have a poet within us.

    1. I believe you are right Veronica, we all have an inner poet.

  3. That rather wonderfully porous border between poetry and prophecy strikes again! One wonders whether Socrates would have made his way to Christ...he seems to have been looking in the right direction. Enjoyed your exploration and quotes, Brendan.

    1. Thanks John, so many have written so much about poetry, though not all great quotes.

  4. Beautiful post, Brendan! Really love this and I agree with Rosen hundred percent on his definition of poetry! If I write a poem and say it is, then it is! I titled my 4th poetry book, 'Poetry Matters' to indicate the importance of poetry as a communicative tool in all its totality, including drawing one closer to God. I will mention you for a visit in our group. It would be a delight to be transformed poetically! Blessings.

    1. Thanks Sophia, I think that is a great title for a poetry book. Do keep me poetically informed about your group. Blessings :)

  5. Really interesting post, Brendan. I do think anything can be a poem but what makes it poetry is the intent behind it, which I guess is where Rosen's list of what it can do comes in. You could just post a recipe and call it a poem but it would only work as one if there was some purpose (other than directions for how to cook a dish) behind it. like using a recipe as a format to describe something else playing with the meaning/etymology of ingredient words.
    Having said that, Veronica is so right about poetry used in other forms. Recipe book writers (Nigel Slater, Nigella, Delia, Claudia Roden come to mind) can be fantastically lyrical and poetic in their descriptions. I've recently discovered some beautiful use of language in scientific textbooks, which I gladly mine for my own poetry!

    1. Absolutely, I am also ploughing through one of Nadiya Hussain's cookery books and she is definitely poetic in her descriptions. I think, if you are truly passionate about something, your writing on that subject will always come across poetically. Poetry is often full of passion.

  6. Love this! I love doing my kind of poetry for Cotswold Scribblers, and am about to write a blog around my last contribution! Such an encouraging post, will refer to it in my blog later!

    1. Thanks Maressa, I do always aim to encourage. I believe we are all poets of one kind or another. Let your kind flow.

  7. What a brilliant post Brendan. I love your video and your energetic passion, you shine for Jesus and give Him all the glory, and you are such an inspiration. God has truly blessed you. Your poetry flows so beautifully, telling your story from your heart, which keeps the viewers watching in anticipation.

    I have only ever written a couple of poems, but one in particular was for my parents, quite a few years ago now, for their 50th anniversary. I was in a rush, as usual, as we were going to a restaurant with the family, and I hadn't bought anything for them for their anniversary. I felt God say to me very clearly, "Write a poem." My instant thought, in reply, was, "But I can't write poetry." The feeling was so strong, I picked up a piece of paper and a pen, then the words just flowed. I printed it out on some cream paper which had a large brown scroll printed on it. The words sat exactly from the top of scroll to the bottom. I then laminated the scroll with my poem in it, and off I went. If I had seen the poem in a shop I would have bought it because it described everything I wanted to say, more than I could have imagined. God gave me the words and it made me realise that you don't have to spend a lot of money on presents; gifts from the Heart of God are free.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Derrice, for sharing such a wonderful story. I do hope that you will continue to write poetry in what form God wants to speak into you and through you. Bless you.

  8. Hi Brendan, what a great post. I'm taking some time today to catch up on MTW posts I missed and I'm glad I did. This post provokes a lot of thought.


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