Leaping Into Writing by Allison Symes

It’s that time again. Every fourth year I get to write a More than Writers post for February!

Given it is a leap year, I thought I’d look at leaping into writing. What do I mean? Well, is it a case you are keen to return to your desk to write? Or do you almost have to be dragged to your chair…? Is procrastination your friend? It isn’t but it is something most writers face.

When I’m not keen to get to my desk, I check why. If I’m tired, I take a break. Then I find I am keen to return to my desk and leap right into my writing again. If it’s a question of feeling swamped, I focus on one thing and use deadlines to help me with that focus, as I mentioned last month.

Leaping into writing is a joyous thing. When all is going well it probably isn’t a problem. When you are in the middle of major edits or any writing task which is not as “glamorous” as that initial writing, it is hard to leap into your work with enthusiasm. It helps to have your end goal in sight.

We press on to the end to get the “prize” of getting our story or book edited and out there. What we do now helps us get there. There are no shortcuts but the end result is what we work towards. There are similarities with our Christian journey here.

The support of other writers helps. Non-writers, I think, don’t see writers have to develop a thick skin and a decent amount of resilience to keep going. We know though. What I pray is when you need the support of other writers, you get it. I pray we can all be an encouragement to other writers. It should be a two way process, being blessed and being a blessing.

I’ve also found it helpful to have writing sessions where I am just writing for fun. Later, once I’ve edited those pieces, I can see if I can find homes for them. Often I can. Some I can’t. Fair enough but I was being creative for the sake of it and that does wonders for your enthusiasm levels. It reminds you of why you wrote in the first place and rekindles your joy in doing it.

I hope you leap forward with your writing. One of the things I love about creative writing is we are always learning and developing. That is so good for us (and it’s not bad for our brains either).

Remember to celebrate the small wins. These things add up and I find fuel my enthusiasm further. Small wins include things like having a letter printed, being shortlisted in a competition, sending a competition entry in at all (as it is easy to miss deadlines and, therefore, opportunities). 

Look at where you started, writing wise, and compare it with where you are now. You will have moved forward. 

Well done and keep going!


  1. Beautiful post Allison and very 'read friendly! Thanks for the great encouragement and advice offered when one is 'running' away from their writing desk! As 2024 is a leap year, does this mean that you had no blog posts in February during the last three years? It never occured to me! Happy Leap Year and Happy Leap to our writing! I have a friend who wants to leap in to good writing. Do let me know how I can get her to contact you. Blessings.

  2. Replies
    1. Many thanks, Sophia. (Allison Symes). Is your friend a member of ACW by the way? Would it pay to direct them to the website and Facebook page? Just a thought. Also I can be contacted via my website.

  3. Thanks for the reminder that small wins are sooo important. Every review garnered for a book. Every chapter finished.

    1. Thanks, Katherine. It is too easy to overlook the small wins but they mount up over time. Allison

  4. So true! I find when struggling with a story, it's usually because I'm not satisfied with it and need to change. This is such an encouraging post, thank you!

    1. Thanks, Maressa. Glad you found the post helpful. Small wins matter! Allison

  5. Thank you for a lovely, helpful post Allison.

    1. Thank you, Derrice. Allison Symes

  6. Thanks Allison, great encouragement for me. I need to tackle some edits, but keep putting it off. I'm going to leap in today!

    1. Hope all goes well with the edits, David. Allison Symes


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