I was overjoyed as the biblical shepherd who found his lost sheep when I found my notes on Paul Karensa’s   ‘Calendar pattern’. It’s designed to plan a story plot by fitting in characters, locations, conflict, climax and resolution around the 12 months. It gave me the idea to imagine what each month offered Christian writers like us.  A kind of best fit. So here we go!!

January:  The month of New Year/ new beginning. You see yourself in a new light;  You mentally make new resolutions with God;   Life happens but,  ‘The One who calls you is faithful’  gives you resilience; Time to declutter stuff ; You begin to think of your new/existing writing projects; Put in sight your writing paraphernalia…

February: The month of Valentine. You share love and prayers to loved ones; You do your writer duties  around social media, ACW, work, family, etc; You give off time to be you but  Life happens;  ‘The Lord’s unfailing love and mercy still continue’ and strengthens you;  You plan to start goals not achieved in January;  You write ideas …

March: The month of the year’s first quarter; You reassess yourself ; You feel  imposter syndrome; The season of Spring offers a fresh start and inspiration; You work on edits, blogs, reviews, newsletters, book launches etc; Word counts begin to swell; Life happens but ‘your soul rises and praises the Lord’…

April: The month ushers Easter; You self-rebirth ; You are  inspired from the bloom of new life in nature; You introduce humour in your writing ; You write to commemorate the Easter season; Life happens in the midst of your family, work and personal stuff committments; You are reminded ‘to be of good cheer’…

May:  The month brings warmer days; Your chapters may have started or increased; Your word count may look healthy or still discouraging; You encourage yourself in the Lord for feelings of discouragement, writers block or not being on the writing board; It is proper spring; You may spring to a big or little action; ‘Peace be within you’…

June: The month that is half year; You are jolted by the Holy Spirit; ‘You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you’; You are inspired to make huge strides of progress in your writing career; You update your blogs, Get active on marketing, ACW posts, decrease your ‘to be read pile’; You enjoy success/ good news on publishing/review

July:  The month of vacations, sunshine and school holidays; You are inspired to write a romance, historical, adventure or a thriller; Your word count is healthy. You go on holidays; You are refreshed to engage in career exploits, podcasts, audio books, author interviews; You share your author skills on social media; You taste the Lord and He is sweet…

August: The month of the long hot summer; Your energy is breathing hot sparks which you pour into your writing;  You call on Him and He tells you hidden things; You may consider professional service / publishing routes; You may revisit social media /writing classes; You may go on a retreat or make a start on your writing and finally crucify procrastinations…

September:  The month of the last quarter; You have been busy with life and writing; You write despite when life happens; ‘In this world you have tribulations’; You fall seven times but rise to write;’ Those who will rebuild you are coming soon’; You have reached an impressive word count; You are encouraged…

October: The month of perfection is true for you; You ‘encourage yourself in the Lord’; You acknowledge God called you to write; You overcome  writer’s block and  imposter syndrome; You finish your draft; You begin to slow down and think of Christmas, family and life outside being a writer…

November: The month of winter; You are inspired to write for advent; You make publishing decisions; Your writing  goes on a low key; You do a cover reveal; Life happens and you say, ‘Father take this cup from me’; He says He has ‘armed you with strength for every battle’. You experience some writing miracles…

December: The month of Christmas and the year’s end; You wonder where time went; You join in the yuletide celebrations; You deserve a break; Your birthing a book[s] intoxicates you; You spoil yourself; Or was the birth wishful thinking all along? You ‘encourage yourself in the Lord’ for the new year…



Sophia Anyanwu lives in SE London with her loving husband.  She’s an educationist, encourager, reviewer, author and poet. She’s an active grandmother to 7 grandchildren when not writing!    She is a member of the Association of Christian Writers, UK. She has published 16 books , which are available on her website: and Amazon.  You can subscribe to her YouTube channel here: and follow her on all social media here:


  1. Ooo, I love this! Thank you for sharing! That's such a lovely overview! I will have to look at this often. Thank you for blessing us this way!

  2. Great post. Interesting and encouraging, although I haven't found the first two months of the year that great I should take heart from your assessment of them.

    1. Thanks Sheila! There is always hope after 'Life happens'. Blessings.

  3. Oh Sophia, I think this might be your best blog post yet! I loved this. And what a wonderful phrase 'You are jolted by the Holy Spirit'. You've reminded me of the novel I started writing, which was structured around 12 months. If only I had the details of Paul's Calendar Pattern, it would be good to revisit and try to complete it.

  4. Thanks Liz! You have encouraged me too! God's favour on the book you are writing. Will look for the Paul's Calendar pattern and send to you. Blessings.

  5. Natasha Woodcraft28 February 2024 at 19:12

    Sophia, this was such fun! A great post. The only problem for me was I need another year to edit that “impressive word count”. Ha ha. Thanks for the encouragement not to think February defines the year – such a temptation.

  6. Thanks Natasha! Thank God it's a kind of best fit and you can pace yourself to God's glory and to your own satisfaction. Blessings.

  7. Lovely post Sophia, you are always such an inspiration and a light for the Lord. God bless.

  8. This is fantastic Sophia, a great read. Thanks for sharing it with us.


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