Taking a risk

Photo by Liam Simpson on Unsplash

Have you ever written a character that your reader has fallen in love with? 

For me, it was a stuffed lion called Sam. He'd been abandoned at a bus stop and found by a lovely woman called Auntie Deller, who took him home and gave him hot buttered crumpets. 

I shared about him in an ACW group that I was in at the time, and the person running the group adored Sam, and has often asked whatever happened to him. For a long time, nothing. He came to life as part of a character building exercise, and I left it there and went on to writing about elderly ladies with a taste for murder and other delightful tales, but Sam refused to stay away, and now he's going to be shared with the BBC. 

Don't get too excited. I've submitted the letters I wrote as an idea for an animation series.  A lady who takes in abandoned toy animals who come to life. It may not come to anything at all, but as they say, if you don't try, you'll never know. I also sent in a pitch for a fairy-tale bake off, which I'd written for another writer's group that I'm part of. 

So why am I sharing this you may wonder? The main reason was that someone cares about what I wrote, which touches my heart, and Gods. He gave me this gift for writing and created my imagination, though sometimes he may be thinking what! at some of the pieces I write. 

I'm also taking a leap of faith. The submission closes on the 8th Feb and the shortlisting begins on the 9th. I'll find out by the 14th June if I was successful or not. At the very least, I'm hoping someone will see potential in my writing style.  

Maybe I'll finally pick this story back up again, and finally find out what happens to Sam the lion and other animals that Auntie Deller finds. Arthur the buffalo, Olivia the whale, and Kevin the kola all want their stories telling too. I just need to write them and hopefully they'll find their way into people's hearts too. 

I'd love to hear about characters who you've fallen in love with or when you've taken a risk. Let me know in the comments or on Facebook. 

Martin is a writer, baker, photographer and storyteller. He's been published in the ACW Christmas anthology and Lent devotional, and in four flash fiction anthologies He's currently honing his craft at flash fiction and you can find him on Twitter here.


  1. They sound like the kind of characters I'd invite into my home. Well done.

    1. Thank you so much, Alison, that's very kind and thoughtful :)

  2. What a creative and sweet story about abandoned stuffed animals. My granddaughter had a little stuffed bear she called Pooty that went everywhere with her. Throughout her younger years, I had to sew up all the places where Pooty was falling apart.One year, when she was about sixteen, I asked her where Pooty was. For the next half hour or so, we searched her closet and drawers and finally found Pooty. I know that stuffed bear didn't have emotions, but if it did, I can imagine how happy it was to finally be found and loved again.

    1. Awww, that's so sweet, and the fact that your granddaughter still cared about Pooty when she was a teenager. Thank you so much for sharing this :)

  3. By the way, Anonymous is me at Em-Musing.blogspot.com

  4. I have already fallen in love with Sam, he sounds great. Write the stories, wonderful concept.

    1. Thank you, Brendan, that's very kind. If only it was that easy :) Hopefully when I've got my novel done. That's really encouraging though.

  5. I have an actual stuffed pony called Shalimar. He has had many tears cried into his neck, he has galloped over many eiderdowns and now at the ripe old age of 53, not bad for a pony, he is dragged up and down the stairs by my grandson Timmy. He has seen a lot of life and heard a lot of secrets of the heart.

    1. Awww, that is gorgeous and moving, thank you for sharing this, Nicky, especially that last line. That is so true.

    2. Thank you for sharing this, Nicky, that is both moving and sweet, especially that last line. Wonderful

  6. Lovely post Martin! Thanks. Wishing you God's favour on the 14th - Valentine Day! I did write about a bible character noone ever mentions and made 2 novels about her - the lady who wiped her tears off our Lord Jesus's feet with her hair. I hope many more people will fall in love with the books by God's grace. God's timing keeps me hopeful. Remain hopeful too. Blessings.

    1. Thank you, Sophia, that's encouraging, and means a lot. What a wonderful idea to write about that woman. I do hope that people will discover and find Jesus in your book.

  7. Those characters sound wonderful! Good, wholesome children's books are so important. I look forward to hearing how the competition went, and enjoy writing Sam's story!

    1. Thank you, Maressa, that's very kind. No news yet, but I know these things can take time and I may not hear till the summer if at all. After all these lovely feedback, I really should think seriously about writing Sam's story. Thank you :)

  8. That's such a great idea, Martin.

    1. Thank you, Ruth, that's very kind. I'll let you know if I hear anything :)


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