At home with nature -  by Derrice James




I used to think of being a writer, and how I would love to find a nice little cottage somewhere in the country, by a lake, with beautiful scenery; at home with nature and the sun’s golden glow giving me the inspiration to write. Just like some of the old romantic films, whose main characters were Authors, who wrote their novels under a tree in the warm colourful countryside. 


Before I finished my book in 2022, I did just that.  I printed off a draft copy, we hired a beautiful cottage on the Norfolk Broads and also a little boat.  My partner John loves to draw and paint so he took his collection of canvasses and oils, I took my Ipad and draft, and off we went.  I couldn’t have asked for more.  Not only was the sun shining, but we also had a family of ducks visiting us daily.  It was so lovely and peaceful and we were absorbed by the beauty surrounding us. 

 We sat by the window of the cottage overlooking the sparkling water as John painted.  I sat flicking though my draft and making amendments with my pen.  It made a nice change rather than sitting at the computer screen at home until all hours of the morning, cutting and pasting from page to page.  


 It was beautiful sailing along in the  boat, the water was sparkling like diamonds, the sky was blue with puffy white clouds, it was warm, sunny and tranquil.  Other boats passed gently by,  with people waving and saying hello.  Everyone was so friendly. It was like being in a film.

 I sat in the back of the boat, reading though my draft while sailing along on the broads.  It was magical and I highly recommend it as something all of us writers should do now and again.


I also felt so close to God, and being away from the daily routines and stresses of life, enabled me to hear His Voice more clearly. 




Derrice has written a book called “Glenna’s Angel – A Miracle from God” when God sent an Angel to her mother and healed her instantly in the ambulance from a near-death stroke.  It changed her mother’s life from that day on. The book is on Amazon and can be obtained in bookstores worldwide.



  1. That sounds fantastic Derrice. A change of scene is great for creativity.

    1. Thank you David. Yes I definitely agree with you there.

  2. That sounds like such a wonderful thing to do Derrice. We were considering going back to the Broads at some point.

    1. Oh you should Brendan. I love the Norfolk Broads, I go every year now in September, after I go to the Christian Writer’s Conference in Cambridge, which I can highly recommend too. There really is something special about Norfolk.

  3. A beautiful atmospheric piece of writing. It took me right there!

    1. Thank you Joy, that is very lovely to hear. God bless.

  4. Wow, lovely post, Derrice!! How lovely. I felt the majic of the scenery in your writing and was transported! What a great experience. I bless God for you. Indeed every writer should have a taste of such magical out of the world experiences to hear God better and be so inspired. Blessings.

    1. Thank you Sophia. Your posts are always so inspiring and I am so pleased that you felt touched and transported reading my blog, God bless.

  5. What a lovely post. There is a beautiful simplicity in your use of language, it's very evocative. We can FEEL the peace and inspiration from this trip on the Broads. You were working on your draft, but God was also refreshing you deeply in your spirit. And you've blessed us by sharing this.

    1. Thank you for your lovely reply Philippa it is very encouraging. Yes that is exactly how it felt just having peace and refreshment with our Lord. God bless.

  6. That sounds lovely! Having a beautiful view does help, doesn't it?! Love how you describe your time away!

    1. Thank you Maressa. Yes it really does. God bless.


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