Leaping Into Writing by Allison Symes

It’s that time again. Every fourth year I get to write a More than Writers post for February! Given it is a leap year, I thought I’d look at leaping into writing. What do I mean? Well, is it a case you are keen to return to your desk to write? Or do you almost have to be dragged to your chair…? Is procrastination your friend? It isn’t but it is something most writers face. When I’m not keen to get to my desk, I check why. If I’m tired, I take a break. Then I find I am keen to return to my desk and leap right into my writing again. If it’s a question of feeling swamped, I focus on one thing and use deadlines to help me with that focus, as I mentioned last month. Leaping into writing is a joyous thing. When all is going well it probably isn’t a problem. When you are in the middle of major edits or any writing task which is not as “glamorous” as that initial writing, it is hard to leap into your work with enthusiasm. It helps to have your end goal in sight. We press on to the end to...