Swords into ploughshares

My apologies for being missing in action yesterday, the 7th on the month, my turn for the blog. It's been quite a week and I, well, I forgot. My apologies.

‘…they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore’ Isaiah 2v4

During the past week a very good friend expressed some heartfelt words to me that were very hard to hear. My grey matter went into overdrive and cleared me of all the charges with convincing arguments lined up in regimental fashion. My heart also did not condemn me.

Then God rewrote it all on the inside.

So this post is about writing but to honour the ultimate author. In the New Covenant prophesied by Jeremiah and Ezekiel God promises to 'write His laws on our hearts'. I've been His sheet of paper this week.

Those words were like swords. But somehow, by His loving Spirit at work in me, ignoring all my arguments and feelings, He has turned swords into ploughshares.

I have often heard 'swords in to ploughshares' quoted by politicians on many occasions, sometimes in the context of war. Those of a certain vintage might remember President Nixon quoting this passage in his 1969 inauguration prior to downscaling the American involvement in Vietnam.

But God has promised to get his pen out and write in our hearts individually.

So...what had been swords were now ploughshares. And ploughshares are not just there as the opposite of swords but to go to work. In my case, in my heart.

My friend had shared some costly insights which I needed to hear. 

As many have said, and on this Blog written: 'we are His workmanship' could be translated 'we are His poem'. I might add, unfinished poems.

This week's experience has, interestingly worked it's way out from me in the form of a poem which you can read by clicking the link below. 



  1. Lovely post and beautiful poem too, John!! God orchestrated those incidents to necitate the birth of your poem. I liked ' I have been His sheet of paper' this week. Indeed, God will only write His words in our hearts,spirits or wherever, if we allow Him to! Be at peace.Nothing beats the peace of God!

  2. Thanks John, your words are, as ever, thoughtful and encouraging. I now start my week thinking about being God's unfinished poem.

  3. Yes, we are all God's poems - but still being edited!


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