Do You Overuse Certain Words?

What are your bad habits as a writer? Do you have your own set of overused words? I do : ‘all’, ‘suddenly, ‘eventually’, ‘then’’, ‘now’ and ‘lots’ . I’ve known this for a long time. ‘All’ seems to creep in ALL by itself. We have close friends in Texas who include ‘Y’all’ in almost every sentence they utter but I’m not Texan and in my writing, ‘all’ has no real purpose. I probably use this word frequently when I speak and I may be setting down on the computer the words I would say. (But who knows? We cannot play back our speech.) ‘Suddenly’ and ‘then’, I find myself using as link words, often to join two paragraphs, even when an event isn’t in the least sudden, as in ‘Then, suddenly, over a period of months, she realised she was falling in love with him.’ Aargh! ‘Eventually’ also. ‘Eventually, the bus arrived and …’ into the next scene at home. I find myself asking why ‘eventually’? Why w...