Meetings were restricted to six people, the day before my first writing group meeting was scheduled. Six people arrived. It was fun! We did a basic writing exercise, swapped our news, and our hopes and dreams as writers. Then came lockdown which introduced me to zoom meetings. At first, I felt shy and distant from my writer friends. It helped because every other social contact was on zoom as well and I soon got used to how it worked as a programme. Gradually I got to see the benefits of zoom. You didn’t have to go out in the cold especially if you were feeling a bit under the weather. You only had to make one cup of coffee. You could even wear your pyjamas if you wanted.

 Meanwhile we became affiliated to ACW and our meetings were sort of validated. Over the past three years our mailing list has grown. Whilst not deliberately seeking them, we have one member in Germany, one in Holland and two of my friends in South Africa have decided to join us.

A crucial question was do we go back to face-to-face meetings? My immediate response was the meetings are encouraging those overseas writers and those that live a little further afield in Rutland and Southend (I live in Kettering), so I wouldn’t want to exclude them. We stayed on zoom.

Yet there are disadvantages to zoom as well, which I have been pondering just recently. Two of our original members can’t face looking at a screen and miss the social contact of meeting in a home. Their attendance has diminished. Writers need a social dimension to their lives which a screen just does not provide. In a face-to-face meeting, writers can bring their books for sale to share with the other members. One to one chats are possible that even breakout rooms don’t make up for. If you having a guest speaker there is usually a cost involved whereas they would accommodate you free of charge on zoom.

So to zoom or not to zoom is still the question. I think the balance I am coming to, is to hold a couple of BBQ meetings in the spring/summer where we can actually meet each other, sorry to those in Southend, Germany, Holland and South Africa. Then as the winter months creep in we’ll listen to some guest speakers on the zoom.

As the ACW Group’s Coordinator, I am interested to hear other views on the subject. The advantages and disadvantages of both types of meetings are not always obvious.

Rosalie Weller is an ordained minister in the Uniting Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa. She has contributed to “Closer to God” the South African Scripture Union Devotional in 2020, 2023 and 2024, Worship & Word UPCSA Devotional 2024. She has written several bible study guides, available on Amazon, a historical novel, and a bereavement journal. Her YouTube channel highlights a biblical reflection and an original poem every month. Website



  1. Great blog Rrosalie, I think a mix of both is the best of both worlds

  2. We experienced exactly the same - zoom was a relief during the pandemic but for the past year I noticed attendance to zoom dropping and the 2 face to face meetings were extremely well received. So this year we are alternating between the 2. So far so good!

  3. Zoom in the pandemic enabled me (and a a couple of others) who had originally been able to reach the home where the meetings took place, to re-join. So far, our group remains on Zoom, though one member was very much hoping for face to face. Personally I'm happy for this particular group to remain on zoom as we'd drop membership numbers (and personalites!) if not - though for ordinary meet-ups with friends it's nice to be personal again.

  4. Lovely post, Rosalie! Thanks.You nailed the question on the head - Once a year BBQ and all other times, back to Zoom. I remember how thankful I am to God when I join our online church service: convenience, comfort and lots of multi tasking as it is for all online events. Zoom came from God and it has come to stay. Blessings.

  5. Pros and cons to both ways of meeting. I'm definitely a believer in Zoom as well as face to face. Thanks for laying out both, Rosalie!

  6. A bit of both is best. Zoom has connected us to people all over the world and there is so much to be said for it (not least the ability to stay in your pj bottoms as you say)

  7. I’ve enjoyed Trellis meetings on Zoom. Like other comments it enables (when the technology is working smoothly…which is most of the time) a group to be formed from different parts of the country and other countries and time zones. (I’ve also switched Chemistry tuition to Zoom since lockdowns. And will continue to do so…no travelling time) If Trellis grew to an unwieldy number I suppose the solution might be to reform regionally and then a periodic bbq would be great but for now I’m a surprised convert to on-line meetings.


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