Instructions From The Maker


My husband reckoned that mostly he wrote sermons primarily for himself. Don't get me wrong. I know people listened to them and valued what he said, but the research and reading involved helped him grow as a Christian.  

I'm telling you this because today I wrote this blog just for me really, but maybe it will be help anyone who is tired of trying to write a decent book, or put a particular idea into words, and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Maybe it’s for anyone who feels they’ll never be the best-selling author they dream of being.

I often stumble across interesting recordings on You Tube when I’m … well, not wasting time, but … not getting things done, I suppose. The other day I came across a little film, set in biblical times. There’s a man lying on a bed beside the Pool of Bethesda, with other hopeful, diseased people. They are all convinced that when the water is stirred up by an angel, the first one in will be healed, So when the water does bubble a little, a desperate scramble begins. You know what happens next, of course. Along comes Jesus, and the conversation goes something like this.

Jesus: I have a question for you.

Man: For me? I don’t have any answers, but I’m listening.

Jesus: Do you want to be healed?

Man: I have no-one to help me into the water. I am here on my own, and others reach the water before I can get there.

Jesus: Look at me. (Pause) Look at me. (He waits until the man is looking at him.) That’s not what I asked. I’m not asking about who’s helping you, or who’s not helping, or who is getting in your way. I’m asking about you.

Man: I’ve tried.

Jesus: And you don’t want false hope again. But this pool, it has nothing for you. It means nothing and you know it. Yet you’re still here. Why?

Man shakes his head.

Jesus: You don’t need this pool. You only need me. So, do you want to be healed?

Man is silent, but looks hopeful.

Jesus: So let’s go. Pick up your mat, and walk.


At this point, I kind of looked at Jesus, and he kind of looked at me. We had a bit of a conversation. You can fill in those details yourself. But he finished by saying, ‘Look at me. No-one said it’s going to be easy. Don’t look back. Look forward. Pick up your notebook and pen; sit at your computer, and write.’

So, all ye who may have felt a tiny bit discouraged of late, let's do it.


A well in Nepal. One of my favourite countries. Photo taken 2008.

PS There was a moment in the You Tube film that appealed to my sense of humour. It was all very authentic until… one of Jesus’s friends took out a note book and what looked like a pencil, or possibly a pen, and made notes. Love it!

Veronica Bright has won over forty prizes for her short stories, now published in three collections. She writes reviews for Transforming Ministry. She is the ACW short story adviser, and runs the ACW Writing for Children group, whose members meet up on Zoom. For more details look on the Writing for Children Facebook page. Her website is disgracefully out of date, but things may be about to change! 


  1. Lovely post, Veronica. I certainly enjoyed the conversation. Thanks for the encouragement. ' Pick up your notebook and pen...' Will definitely remember this when the need arises ! Blessings.

  2. Great post Veronica! I recognize that scene you described, it's from "The Chosen", my favourite ever series depicting Jesus and his first disciples. I've been involved a bit in the French subtitle translations. From memory I think it's Matthew you saw taking down notes on a wax tablet he carries with him. Or maybe John...

  3. Thanks for your comments. I didn't realise there were more scenes from The Chosen, and I'm going to look up more. Just back from a few days at Lee Abbey. Very refreshing and inspiring.

  4. Great post Veronica. Thanks for your encouragement through the blog and through meeting this week. Every blessing.

  5. This really spoke to me in the day you published it but it has stayed with me every day since too… so thank you. I believe God is speaking to me through these words and really encouraging me. Bless you!

  6. Such lovely, kind encouraging words Veronica. thank you!


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