A Glimmer in my Father's Eye - A new book's tale by Tracy Williamson

I didn't always look like this. In fact, at the beginning I had no headings, no pages, no chapters, no paragraphs and not even any words! Can you believe that? I had no shape or form whatsoever; no title, no cover design; nothing. I didn't even have an author and certainly not a publisher. How can you publish something that doesn't exist? And yet, and yet I DID exist. Yes, even though I had nothing to describe or define me, and no external being, I DID exist, because from the very beginning I was a spark in my Father's eye. A gleam of intent; an idea that He would, one day, speak into being. Sometimes the universe can seem like the darkest of voids. As it was in the beginning when there was nothing, nothing at all. Blackness,, emptiness, a vortex of nothingness And yet, the Spirit of God was there, hovering and brooding. And it was then, in that sudden outpouring of creation, that I found myself present,...