
It is nearly the end of the year, and one of the things that come to mind is Expectations. Expectations for the year behind and ahead, for Christmas. Expectations for the day, for my writing.

It’s Monday as I write this, and I was expecting an early food delivery. I woke up, and the world was strangely quiet. I just knew it was that snowy quiet that I didn’t want that morning. My expectations for the day had been shattered before it was even light! (Thanks to the incredible delivery driver, we still got our shopping!)

Then there were our expectations for 2020. Ha. Need I say more? With all the craziness, some expectations disappeared right away, but I found out what a good thing that can be. My daughter has immense expectations for what a birthday should look like. Those expectations are never met, as they involve a carefully shaped script for every member of the family, covering every moment of the day. The only problem is, nobody has seen the script, so we all get our lines wrong, ruining her special day.

This year, there was no script, no expectations. For how could a birthday in Lockdown even remotely resemble a birthday? Presents are never included in the expected, but this year we couldn’t go out for our usual dinner, we couldn't have our fun family outing. Turned out, this birthday was the very best ever, with a homemade delicious breakfast, great fun family day together, and home-delivered delicious dinner…

It’s like writing, isn’t it? So many expectations, from others or from ourselves. As Christians, we often put expectations upon ourselves, defending them as being what God wants from us. But does He? What are His expectations of us? Actually, he has shown us what He requires of us: To do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God (Micah6:8).

When I sit down, finally, to finish my novel, I see unfulfilled expectations. I expected it to be finished by now. I expected my editor to have my manuscript. Somehow, I have not lived up to my own expectations. Does that make me a failed writer? Not really, it just makes me a tired mum, dealing with my children’s trauma and complex Christmas expectations; it means I have a fantastic TBR pile that took up some hours of my week as well. It means I have wonderful friends that I talk to through the screen.

God’s blessings are way beyond our expectations though. He has things prepared for us that we can’t even imagine. Just like my daughter’s birthday. We gave her a day that she hadn’t even been able to think of. Our Lord is preparing a place for us, He is in control, He doesn’t need our expectations, wishes or good intentions. 

Yes, I do intend to finish the novel before 2021, and yes, I want to pick up fitness again. Actually, I should pick up fitness again is more accurate. And I should walk humbly with my God (which is quite hard, as this first month of my novel coming out I sold more than 20 copies! More than 20 people were prepared to buy my story! To some of you, that might sound pathetic but to me, that’s really humbling!)

So what are your expectations for the year ahead? Apart from bringing out that bestseller…?

I live in the beautiful Cotswolds, England with my husband and four (adopted) children. My debut novel, Sapphire Beach, was published December 2019, and my first self published novel, Walled City came out on December 5th 2020, as my own St Nicholas present to the world! You can buy your very own, signed copy at www.vicarioushome.com.

I’m a homeschool mum, so my writing has to be done in the evening, when peace and quiet descends on our house once more. I’m Dutch, English isn’t my first language, so I’m using that as an excuse for any typos or grammatical mistakes.


  1. I love this, Maressa. Thanks for this insight into your life and your writing process.

  2. This is beautiful Maressa, and so timely! Thank you for sharing your thoughts about expectations and reminding us to trust the One who always exceeds them all but often in different ways to the ones we think are best. BTW, did I ever tell you I was brought up in Cheltenham? You do indeed live in a beautiful part of the country :) May your 2021 be blessed in ways you can't even imagine. x

    1. Thank you! Yes, it's easy to find ourselves stuck with the wrong expectations! I love Cheltenham, just wandering around is wonderful, and their charity shops have some amazing books...

  3. You're absolutely right, Maressa. Thought, it's so difficult to get the balance right between having hopeful, practical expectations and trusting in God for the outcomes. Remembering that the most important thing is to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly is important in quashing any illusions we might have of grandeur!

    1. Thank you! Yes, for reaching goals is so satisfying too!

  4. Love this, Maressa! So true that there are so many unfulfilled expectations from 2020! Yet there have been so many unexpected blessings and a new appreciation for the simple things again!
    Happy New Year and praying every blessing on your writing for the coming year!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I think 2020 has been interesting in refocusing our attention! Happy New Year!

  5. Thanks for being so honest, Maressa. I recognise a lot of myself in this. Happy New Year!

  6. Great blog, Maressa. Not really sure I have many expectations at present except to finish my course. I feel a little on my own at present, so that would be good. Perhaps we can have that long anticipated call sometime in the next week?


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