An interview with two authors – Eleanor Watkins and Philip S. Davies

During the Covid-19 pandemic one of the most popular books worldwide has been La Peste (The Plague) by Albert Camus. Two members of ACW have written books for young people where a plague has been the background for the story. Eleanor Watkins books, The Village and A Wind of Change are historical novels set at the time of the Black Death. Philip Davies’ second book in his young adult fantasy trilogy, Destiny’s Revenge , also features a plague. They have kindly agreed to answer some questions. SS: Why did you choose to write about sickness and death in books for young people? EW: After reading several books on the Black Death, I'd often wondered how people would cope during and following a time of plague - never dreaming that a pandemic would be experienced in my own lifetime. What would happen to the survivors, maybe some the only ones left in their families, how would their lives go on? I aimed to bring a message of hope for the future. PSD: The story...