To list or not to list? by Susan Sanderson

Some people find lists helpful; others do not bother with them. I cycle between using lists and forgetting or not bothering to use them. At particularly busy times I find lists essential, but at other times I may not bother to look at a ‘to-do’ list I have already made. Is this a form of procrastination? Perhaps if I made a habit of making lists and checking things off on them I’d achieve more. Maybe I don’t use lists when there are things I’d rather not do! (The image is some books in list form.) One sort of list I find easy to make is for my blogs - a contents list and index can easily be kept up-to-date as long as I do this from an early stage. When I decided to index my book reviews by author, it turned out to be a big job! Updating it now it has been started only takes a few minutes a month. The problem I find with to-do lists is that I might set off by doing the easy things, leaving the things I find difficult until last. Then they remain reproachfully on the list. At ...