A Tale of Two Writers

 Stop! Yes, you; this instant.


That’s better. Now, find yourself a comfortable seat. Maybe pour yourself a glass of wine/ make a cup of tea/ mix an exotic cocktail first. 


Okay, so I’ve got your attention … hang on a minute. Oi, you at the back! Stop scrolling through your phone.


Well done. Feels good, doesn’t it? I’d like you to close your eyes while I tell you a little story.


Once upon a time there were two writers, both with dreams of how their words would change the world (or at least be picked up and read by someone who wasn’t their mum, or their second cousin twice removed).


The first writer threw herself whole-heartedly into preparing her magnum opus. She scribbled away late into the night until well after the hardiest owl had given up and gone back to bed, and she got up again just as the local teenagers were returning home after a lengthy night drinking over-priced gin in the city centre. She survived on coffee and Hobnobs, showered only when the cat wrinkled its nose in disgust, and turned down all social engagements until 2024. By the time she was three-quarters of the way through her book she would have passed for a slightly prettier-than-usual orc in a Lord of the Rings remake. 


The second writer was equally determined to finish her novel, but sometimes life got in the way. She diligently set time aside to write but allowed herself the luxury of seven hours sleep each night (or six when the cat threw up on the landing). She – naturally – loved coffee, but tried to drink a sensible amount of water, too. On more than one occasion she insisted on having a proper breakfast before starting work for the day. From time to time she was even known to close down her laptop and spend an evening with friends in the pub, where the subject of writing was not even once discussed.


All right, I recognise it’s not exactly Dickens – but that’s not the point. If we’re honest, I imagine most of us would identify with both of these writers. We all – theoretically – understand the importance of looking after ourselves, but I suspect that sometimes we become so absorbed in what we’re doing that we lapse into poor decisions about our own well-being.


So, my challenge to you today is to think of one thing you can do to look after yourself a bit better – and I promise your writing will benefit. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.


And for those of you who were wondering which of the two writers finished their book and got a publishing contract, I’ll leave that to you to decide…

Fiona Lloyd is Chair of the Association of Christian Writers and writes regularly for Together magazine. Her novel, The Diary of a (trying to be holy) Mum, was published by Instant Apostle in January 2018. Fiona also works for Christians Against Poverty.


Twitter: @FionaJLloyd & @FionaLloyd16


  1. Ah. Yes. How very timely. I write this with eyes starting out of my head and hair standing on end. The faint aroma of burning oil (perhaps incinerated at midnight) drifts past. Come Monday at 8am I can be the second writer. But until then ..... that said I did have a massage today and the poor lady nearly killed herself trying to loosen my shoulders. I need to start putting in regular breaks and going for walks. That would help.

  2. Brilliant! I would love to be either one of those writers at the moment, instead I'm bogged down in marketing and other matters. Can't wait to escape to the writing again! But it won't be all consuming (well probably not... but it might be). Made me smile today, thankyou. I needed to sit back and close my eyes for a moment...

  3. This reminds me of Ecclesiastes 3:1 - For everything there is a seson and a time for every purpose under Heaven! I do believe that there should be a time to rest, eat, play, work, relax, etc. When I choose to relax, I read story books,play a board game if I find a willing partner and most times, I just enjoy watching movies on my favourite channels before getting to the task of writing or any chore. Lovely post. Thanks and Blessings.

  4. Absolutely bogged down in marketing right now but making time this week for some important edits on my third novel. Love the contrast between this two writers.


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