Titles and People with Titles

One of my jobs as ACW Webmaster is to post details of members’ books on the ACW website. Unfortunately, there is not enough time for me to read all of them, so what stick in my mind are titles. (No, this is not a how-to post on writing titles for your writing. You can read on… safely.) Don’t Fuss, Trust God, Don’t Fuss by Ruth Bamforth, about which I uploaded information on the Christian Living page ( https://christianwriters.co.uk/christian-living/ ), is a collection of sermons given by her father, The Reverend Stuart Bamforth. I have not read this one (Sorry, Ruth), although it’s on my TBR list. The title is so magnificent in itself that I almost don’t want to open it. Right now, as I’m fretting about all the things I need to do before travelling to WOWIG (the ACW Jubilee at The Hayes in Derbyshire) next Friday, including (paid) working three whole days beforehand, it does me good to remind myself not to fuss and just trust God to get everything do...