I love that I write my post on the 28th of the month! It is a time of anticipation for me to think of my blog posts for MTW and of course, my salary from where I work part time in a PRU school as a Tutor of RE, English and Literature. But today is more than the mere expectation of the month’s end. December ushers the year 2022. Like a mother carrying a child in her womb, she knows a baby is expected but she anticipates it will be unique in many ways! Christians all over the world have just celebrated the long awaited birth of the Saviour of mankind from his sins and spiritual death. However, the whole world is awaiting the birth of 2022 and the blessings it would bring. For a few others, it’s a time to indulge in the New Year’s festivities. What are you anticipating in 2022?


As writers, we are pregnant with what God has deposited in us and the world expects us to birth our talents. I respect every kind of genre [didn’t used to]. So whatever genre you write like dark fantasy, crime, romance, erotic, horror fiction and a 100 more, it will find its niche. God is the creator of creativity and He created the human race in a variety of ways, we can never imagine!! So what will you birth in 2022? New ideas, genres, books, devotions, poems, blogs, websites, editions, articles, bestsellers, book launches, writing competitions, writing buddies, illustrations, arts, writing groups, new resolutions,  reviews, NaNoWriMos 2022, etc. As you can see, it’s all in the plural. Teachers know to have high expectations of all pupils!  As we enter the New Year as writers, may our pens be mightier than the sword. May our tongue be the pen of a skilful writer. Psalm 45:1.AMEN.


Olusola Sophia Anyanwu is British Nigerian and lives in South East London. She is married, has 5 children and 7 grandchildren. Author Sophia is a multi-genre author.  Recently, she enjoys writing Christian and Biblical fiction. All her books were first published by AuthorHouse in 2017,  revised and self-published in 2020. All Sophia’s books are available on ACW bookshop, her website:, Amazon and local book shops.


  1. You're a busy woman, Sophia! I love your image of us writers being pregnant with the things God has deposited in us.

  2. Is that why my midriff is on the bloated side? It would be lovely to birth all these words and find it returning to the nice, flat tummy I had in my twenties. Joking apart, I love the birthing metaphor.

    1. Ha! Ha! Ha! We all wish for the flat tummy to remain forever!! Thanks for making me laugh!


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