Writing Prompts by Allison Symes

Do you use writing prompts? I’ve used random letter, word, phrase, and even number generators to trigger ideas. For the random word and phrase ones, I use what emerges as a title or theme. Coming up with characters is fantastic fun but I like to mix up my approach to doing that. Pixabay image. Sometimes they can be a starting point. If a phrase comes up which is a cliche, my instinct as a flash fiction writer is to use it as a shortcut (cliches carry a lot of meaning in few words) but ideally subvert it. One of my stories is called Punish The Innocent . You would usually think in terms of Punish The Guilty, but you can have fun adapting phrases to your own purposes. Always a good question but mixing up how you write your stories can be fun. Pixabay image. How on earth can you use random number generators in fiction, I hear you cry? My approach is to take the number generated - e.g. 314 - and use it either as:- 1. A countdown to something spectacular. In t...