On March 28th, 2022, I wrote Part 1 of this post, here:  

In that post, I mentioned a bit of the hardships I faced in Nigeria [Egypt] which God turned around for the good of my family and I, when He led us to the UK [Canaan] in 2003.

 In the Bible, we read that the Israelites were told by God that the land He was giving them to sojourn was Canaan and they would expect the following:

1.     They would live in houses they did not build.

2.     They would not see the Egyptians anymore.

3.     They would live in a land flowing with milk and honey.

4.     They will harvest from vine yards they did not plant.

When you read this in the Bible, do you reflect or gloss over the deeper truth? Put it this way. Maybe, someone you know has had a huge change [for the better] in a marriage, finance, a health crisis or relocation to a new residence from a place of horror.  It is a MIRACLE! An Israelite slave in Canaan understood what the Lord meant!  We lived in Nigeria and now, in UK. We understand.  The prophets before Moses never ceased to remind God in prayer that the Jews were suffering and needed a deliverer. Moses was sent. Their songs and stories of deliverance and their testimonies of praise are written all over the Bible.

We cannot forget that there are fellow Christians, in other countries suffering   unbelievable and unimaginable situations. Some face persecution for their faith. Christian writers experiencing these situations reflect it in their writings. Do readers read for the deeper meaning? The irony is that there are people who live in UK who do not see it as a land flowing with ‘milk and honey’.  So in ACW, we are first Christians, then writers. We have a dual duty to continuously remember our fellow Christian writers who are struggling to practice their gift and bring the love and light of Christ through, to illuminate the hearts of those in the dark.

It’s been difficult to write my memoir. Now I think I could write two. One will be about my childhood and youth and the other, about my adult life living in ‘Egypt’ and relocating to ‘Canaan’ where I will tell of deliverances and testimonies. How my future generations have been affected forever! This idea is a revelation God gave me right now as I write this post! All glory to God. This idea excites me. I trust God will give me the Grace.   I pray for you all that the words you write will be ‘pleasant words as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones’. Proverbs 16:24.

Thank you Papa God for this post! By Your Grace, there will be Part 3 for this post sometime in the future…

Sophia Anyanwu is an educationist, encourager, reviewer, indie author, poet and an active grandmother!  She is a member of the Association of Christian Writers, UK and has published 20 books , which are available on her website: and Amazon.  You can subscribe to her YouTube channel here: and follow her on all social media here:





