Let me introduce myself...

Having guest posted twice on the More Than Writers blog, this is my first post as a regular contributor, so I thought I should begin by introducing myself. 

    The difficulty is where to start. 

    I could tell you that I live in Edinburgh, I work for a Christian charity with children and young people, I play clarinet in a wind band, and I love musical theatre, but I suppose what you would really like to know about is the writing. 

    Honestly, I feel unqualified to be sharing here. I don’t have a book to my name, I know my writing achievements pale into insignificance compared to many in ACW, and I’m often tempted to refer to myself as “just a blogger.” 

    However, I know that’s not the full story. 

    I began blogging nine years ago. Before that, I had filled many journals but had never shared my writing. Then, sensing a prompting from God to do just that, I stepped out into the unknown, hitting “publish” on that first blog post with no idea what lay ahead.

    I’m glad I said yes to the adventure. 

    I have learned so much and grown in confidence through writing. I have been blessed by some encouraging friendships and had some wonderful opportunities to contribute to various blogs, websites and anthologies. I have even had the joy of seeing a curriculum for school groups which had sat on my computer for years finally being shared and used all around Scotland. 

    It is amazing what God can do when we are willing to take a simple step of faith! 

    This leads me back to the question of identity. In my interactions with Christian writers, I have discovered that many share the same insecurities that I have and perhaps hesitate to own the title of “writer.” 

    I have spent a lot of time reading Paul’s New Testament letters recently, and I am struck by how he begins each of them by stating his identity: 

·       “Paul, chosen by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 1:1)

·       “Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, chosen by God to be an apostle and sent out to preach his Good News” (Romans 1:1)

·       “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, appointed by the command of God our Saviour and Christ Jesus, who gives us hope” (1 Timothy 1:1) 

    This provides a helpful reminder that, as Christians, our identity should never be rooted in our achievements or accomplishments but in our status as God’s children. 

    Whether or not we are comfortable with the title “writer,” and no matter how our journey may compare to others’, this gives great security and the freedom to step forward as God leads. 

    So, I write to you as Lesley, a child of God, brought to him through Jesus, a fellow traveller on this writing journey, hoping that I can share some encouragement along the way.

Lesley Crawford blogs at Life In The Spacious Place and contributes regularly at Gracefully Truthful. She has written One Big Story, a Bible curriculum for school groups and contributed to various anthologies, including the ACW anthology, "Merry Christmas, Everyone" and "The Jesse Tree Anthology".


  1. Welcome, Lesley. You are right that many writers struggle to identify themselves as such. Thanks for your take on that and the encouragement in this piece.

  2. Welcome, Lesley, and thank you for your thoughtful piece.

  3. Welcome, Lesley. Blogging can be an exciting journey. I'm glad your blogging has opened up more opportunities for you.

    1. Thanks, Susan! I had no idea what to expect when I started blogging, but it has brought many blessings.

  4. 'Hitting publish for that first blog'. Loved that sense of vulnerability which seems to be meat and drink for all of us writers and bloggers!

    1. It is a very scary thing to put ourselves out there, but I'm glad I did.

  5. Hey Lesley! So lovely to meet you. Indeed, it is so amazing what God can do when you take a simple step of faith! I wonder where He'll lead you next? How exciting!

    1. Thanks, Angela! I look forward to seeing what's ahead.

  6. Welcome Lesley, it is definitely exciting to see how God opens doors before us when we take a step of faith. Really enjoyed your post.

  7. Great intro. Agreed claiming a name under God is affirming. Be many times blessed.

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Elaine!

    2. Forgot to say, I'm from the Scottish Borders, living near London currently. Heading to Edinburgh to visit family next week. xx

  8. Blogging is a real art form and you never know where it's going to lead. Well done for hitting that publish button and keep at it!

  9. Lesley! You are warmly welcomed and many thanks for this beautiful post and in many ways touching too! You are a writer even if you have not authored a book. When that calling comes, God will let you know. For now, continue to encourage and bless readers through your blogging and MTW articles. Just like this one as blessed me. Blessings.


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