Blessings by Derrice James

It’s been a while since we visited Devon, in fact, over 20 years, and yet it only seems like yesterday when I think about it.  How we looked forward to our family holidays there in the lovely cottage, overlooking the breathtaking views of the beautiful English countryside.  Always so many happy memories, watching my son and my nephew playing and running around.  They absolutely loved their holidays together.  The adults had just as much fun and we were always so busy with so much to do, and the Devonshire clotted cream scones were always something to look forward to. We treasure the photos we look back on, frozen in time, when we were all much younger and full of energy.  

We took a break from our holidays in Devon when we started driving to a villa in Spain every year, for many years, and made new memories where my son and my nephew had more wonderful times together on holiday. The cars would be packed to the brim, and yet there was always room to squeeze in just one more toy each. So much to think about to take with us, but it was very handy having the cars.

Today, as I write this blog, the sun is shining and I am sitting in the most beautiful cottage, in Devon, overlooking the amazing English countryside, on holiday with my son and his wife and their two beautiful daughters, my granddaughters, who look just like my son and his wife.  The eldest is two and a half and the baby is four months.  Also with us, is my nephew and his wife and their gorgeous little son, who is also two and a half, and is the image of both of his parents.  As I watch the toddlers playing happily together, they remind me so much of my nephew and my son, when they were running around playing all those years ago on our family holidays.

As I sit back and see how busy they are with the children, with so much to do and so much to think about, it takes me back to our lovely holidays, and yes although life is changing all the time, it just gets better and better, praise God. 

Derrice has written a book, “Glenna’s Angel - A Miracle from God” which is a true testimony of her mother’s encounter with an Angel in the ambulance, when God instantly healed her from a serious stroke, in answer to prayer.  Her mother gave her life to Jesus after that, and felt very privileged that God sent an Angel on a mission, just for her.


  1. Thanks for sharing your precious memories. 💕🌻

    1. Thank you Allison. God bless.

  2. Lovely post! I could really picture your happy family times, Derrice! So precious - and so important to be thankful, whatever the season!

    1. Amen. Thank you Angela. God bless.

  3. Praise God indeed! Yes, it can only get better as life brings changes our way, through our generations, holiday experiences and visits. God gives us memories to hang on to, by His grace. Lovely post, thank you! Blessings.

  4. Thank you Sophia.Amen. God bless.


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