When I grow up, I want to be a writer...

Mary Wesley who published her first book for adults aged 71. But here I am, aged sixty-seven, with numerous short stories and flash published, also articles and book reviews, yet still no book. I thought it would never happen. I don’t believe that God promised me, Rosemary Johnson, a book deal. He promised eternal salvation to all those who loved Him, which is more important. Of course, I was frustrated. Every time I passed the members’ bookstall at ACW writers’ events, I felt myself to be a failure. Nevertheless I made myself understand that there many other ways in which my writing skills can be used for His glory, preaching and writing intercessions in church, in supporting my local Foodbank and in managing the ACW website. Then just last September a hybrid publisher, who I will call Fred, accepted my novel, Wodka or Tea with Milk, for publication. At last, oh at last. ...