Newsletters by Allison Symes

Image Credits: Images created in Book Brush using Pixabay photos. Many of us have author newsletters. I suspect there are more who know newsletters are a good idea but haven’t yet started one. I consider myself a late comer here, but it isn’t too late to start and thought I’d share tips I’ve found handy. I only started a newsletter when I knew I could keep it going. I planned when I’d issue them and when, in each month, I’d need it ready by. I realised from this I could schedule it into my writing life easily. Consistency helps build reader loyalty, though what this is can vary from author to author. For me, once monthly works. Other authors issue newsletters quarterly. Both are fine but you need to work out what would work best for you on a long term basis. It also helps me to work out themes which I can keep writing about, the obvious one being flash fiction. Sharing tips on what has helped me writing wise will resonate with others so again it is something to write a...