Last month I wrote about anniversaries as I celebrated 3 years of being an author, and almost three years of being a grandparent. This month I am celebrating another anniversary – my husband and I have been married for 32 years today.

I am deeply appreciative of my husband, for many things. Which is a good thing seeing as I am still married to him! But one of the things that I appreciate the most is the way that he has embraced my writing life and celebrated me becoming a published author. He knows nothing about writing or publishing. Or he didn’t. I daresay he does now, three years or more later. More than he probably ever thought he would need to know and enough to know what I am talking about - most of the time.

He is also good about it when I disappear for hours on end. Not that I leave the house – or become invisible  - but that I am just ‘not there.’ My mind, my concentration, my imagination is all elsewhere – usually in 13th century Wales. Sometimes I can even be doing family things, like cooking, or eating dinner, and still not be ‘there’. We call it ‘book dreaming’ in our house. He is very long suffering when I am mid book!

He also gives me space to spend time with other writers, inviting them into our home via the wonders of Zoom. Last year he gave up a whole weekend to be with me at our Writer’s Retreat, to help and support us. He will do the same again this year. He can’t write, but he loves me being a writer. He wants to do all he can to see me realise my dreams. He even alpha reads my books for me.

I am sure that many of you have people like my hubby in your lives. People who don’t really understand everything about being a writer, but who love you enough to let you do it! And encourage and support you in it.

It got me thinking about all the different people in my life and how they relate to my writing. I came up with a wartime analogy. You’ll have to forgive me – my dad is an amateur military historian, and I’ve grown up with it. He had no sons…

Source: Wikimedia Commons


MILITARY COMMANDERS   -  These are the publishers, editors, PR and marketing specialists, experienced authors – those who know what they are doing, experts who can help, guide and direct from a distance.

SUPPORT STAFF – I am thinking of  those who provide food, equipment, encouragement, and first aid when needed to those on the frontline. These might be family members, non writer friends, church family – those who pray, particularly – even though they may not fully understand what we are up against, they do what they can to help.

BROTHERS IN ARMS – These are our fellow writers. No-one really understands like they do, the challenges, the fight it is to get the words on the page. Only other writers understand the minefield of marketing, or the no-man’s land of publishing. Especially those who write in the same genre – or with the same vision as us – our immediate company of soldiers. For me it is my Kingdom Story Writer friends  and the fabulous FABCHOW, not to mention our very own ACW!

CIVILIANS  - These are the ones we are fighting our battles for. The people who might actually buy our books and read them. Some for the love of our writing, and some just because they love us!

THOSE KEEPING THE HOMEFIRES BURNING – I think that this is the category into which my husband falls. At the end of the day, writing isn’t everything. REALLY, it’s not!

So when the day’s battle is done, the current skirmish ended, there are those waiting for us to return ‘home’ to normal life. Those who have kept things going, taken care of the day to day, just so that we can continue to do what we do. Those who love us and want to share both our victories and our defeats. Those who keep our feet firmly on the floor, and our heads normal sized.

Does God also fit into this category? I know that He loves me and I believe He loves my writing. He is always there as a loving place of refuge.

But I think that He actually takes a spot in all of the above categories. He is there fighting with me, there supporting me and meeting my needs, and ultimately the One I do it all for.

God is also …

COMMANDER IN CHIEF – We write because He has enabled us to write. He has deposited His creativity in us, and we want to glorify Him with our efforts. He can guide us as we write, giving us ideas and inspiration. He also knows the business inside out and can help us with publishing and marketing. He is the One we serve, and the Victory is already His.

I am so grateful for my husband, for all the people who make my writing possible. And I am comforted to know that the One ultimately in charge will never leave or forsake me. 

Even when my imagination is somewhere medieval…


 Joy Margetts writes Christian Historical Fiction. Her debut novel 'The Healing' was published in March 2021, and her second ‘The Pilgrim’ in July 2022. Her third novel 'The Bride' was  published 20th October 2023. She has also recently published her first non-fiction book, an Advent Devotional entitled 'Christ Illuminated'.

 Joy makes her home in beautiful North Wales and takes her inspiration from its rich spiritual history and stunning landscapes. She is also wife, mother and grandmother and a lover of the Word of God. Her personal blog and more information about her books can be found here 


  1. Ooh, I love the apt military analogies in this article. I also have a very supportive husband when it comes to my writing life. So important for those of us who are married.

    1. Thanks! It does make it much, much easier!

  2. Beautiful post, Joy and Happy Wedding Anniversary! I love that you have an alpha reader!!God bless him. Yes, we thank God for those of us who have hubbies and families that cope or cooperate with our writer idiosyncrasies! Lovely idea of the military analogy. Blessings.


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