Hidden Treasure - What do you see? by Christina Bywater


I love jewellery! In particular, rings. There’s a part of me that wants to give myself the freedom to wear more than one on each hand, but I know my mother would not approve! I hear her now - "less is more, Christina."

Looking at a couple of particular rings that I have which I am especially grateful to own, it struck me that the gems which make jewellery so beautiful are usually hidden underground, have been subject to pressure and/or heat, are difficult to extract, and need careful, precise work on them to bring out their best. That very process is a joint venture between The Creator, and the created, both gem and human. It’s also true that it’s the way that each gem is cut and faceted which causes the light to pass through the stone and enhances its beauty; but that process entails the reduction of the original stone, and the removal of seemingly good material. 

How does that mirror the writing journey? 

Without Father God, there is no revelation,  no inspiration,  no beauty.  Without His Light illuminating my heart and mind, I can dig into myself, but there is nothing of worth to shine back into the world. 

I can sit down and start scribbling words on a page, but editing will mean that seemingly good prose or poetry will be binned in order to hone the final product. 

I would proffer that our writing is a way of searching out the facets of people, places, and things, so that we can present a view and maybe pass on an illumination to others that they may not have noticed without our particular light. Many facets produce many views, potentially.  In the words of an unknown poet -

  1. Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure light,
    Like a little candle burning in the night;
    In this world of darkness, we must shine,
    You in your small corner, and I in mine.

    Jesus bids us shine, first of all for Him;
    Well He sees and knows it if our light is dim;
    He looks down from heaven, sees us shine,
    You in your small corner, and I in mine.

    Jesus bids us shine, then, for all around
    Many kinds of darkness in this world abound:
    Sin, and want, and sorrow—we must shine,
    You in your small corner, and I in mine.

    Jesus bids us shine, as we work for Him,
    Bringing those that wander from the paths of sin;
    He will ever help us, if we shine,
    You in your small corner, and I in mine.



  1. Veronica Bright16 April 2024 at 11:24

    I was taken back to my childhood and sang familiar and comforting words of the song with a smile on my face. You reminded me that we are blessed in knowing where our inspiration comes from.

    1. Thanks Veronica...I think many of us grew up with that song. Indeed we are blessed...I am often reminded to think on these things... whatsoever is good and pure and true ...
      I am intrigued by the character of God...we always want to put our creations on view for all to see and admire...yet He buries many....

  2. Our writing, like precious jewels can sometime take us by surprise too.

    1. Absolutely, Sheila! Where do we end and He start?? Jesus prayed that we would be in Him as He was in The Father .. have we even scratched the surface, I wonder?? Deep calls to deep...am I still paddling in the shallows??

  3. Lovely post, Nina. I love tha analogy! I too love jewelry and have the same tendency to dress each finger with rings! Hmn. Where did you fish out that lovely poem? Blessings.

    1. I my word... another owl!! Olusola, that was a song we sang in youth group for years....simple, but pertinent. Glad I'm not the only ring lover! Thanks for taking time to comment. God bless.


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