King’s Day

A few days ago, in the Netherlands people celebrated King’s Day. I only remembered it today, as before King Willem Alexander, it used to be Queen’s Day, on the 30 th of April. Have I ever mentioned I don’t like change? Maybe I should write a blog about that... Anyway, on King’s Day, people hang out the Dutch flag and streets and parks are decorated. There are street games, special markets, and one city or town will get the royal visit. The entire royal family will join them. They will be looking at local places of interest, they’ll take part in games and they’ll take selfies with the public. It made me think of a host of rabbit warrens. Kings, good and not good, weak, strong, many types of king. When you read through the books of Kings and Chronicles, you can see that sometimes, being a king meant you’d probably not have a long life. Other kings reigned endlessly. Then there is the story about the new king and queen of a country who disguised themselves as poor p...