That Sacred Space

 Do you believe in the sacredness of place? Have you any that are holy or special to you?

As a loner, in my teens I would tramp the fields behind out house. Outdoors in beautiful countryside was a great start, but there were also particular places. Like underneath the twisted tree that overhung the brook, or the view of the distant village from the hill below the woods. In the early morning my companions were deer, badgers, foxes, rabbits and birds. Human contact tended to break the spell. Those places are still so special to me decades later.

But things were the other way round in the official sacred space of the village church. I discovered, through several abortive attempts to practise the organ there alone, that it scared the absolute hell out of me! Fortunately my grandfather was happy to sit out those sessions with me.

Perhaps it was the gloomy tombs, the feeling of dust and neglect – or relics like the decaying flag and disintegrating shirt of a long dead knight held high on a pole (the shirt, not the knight). Since then there have been other churches or shrines that have felt sacred, that have spoken of centuries of prayer, joyous unions, heartbreaking sorrows, all underpinned by a pervasive sense of holiness and polished wood.

Do you have your own special place for writing? Some people can write anywhere, inspired by the buzz of  people around. I believe JK Rowling birthed Harry Potter in a cafe!

My special place is at my desk in the spare bedroom where I look out of the window down the long shared drive, bordered by a holly hedge on one side and a spinney on the other. We have a huge copper beech tree outside the window which offers me great inspiration in all its' stages of dress or undress.

That is where in the house I feel closest to God. But is it necessary for writing? I usually do write at my desk, but more important is to have uninterrupted time with no demands.

Back to sacred places. I know several people whose lives have been turned around in an instant by walking into a church or cathedral. There is my friend who 'met Jesus' (though she didn't then have a name for him) when she walked into an imposing Scottish church aged six. Later she became a christian, prompted by that powerful early encounter. Similarly, a catholic friend was impacted as a delinquent youngster when he walked into a Spanish cathedral. He claimed he simply 'met God' and it turned him around. Another guy said he became a christian when visiting a monastery through seeing Christ in the face of a monk.

Nothing sacred about bricks and mortar or the mechanics of ritual I guess. But God at work through people turned to Him in everyday life seems as potent as ever.

Eileen Padmore retired some time ago from health care and academia with a vow to indulge in writing more creatively and less academically. Her background in Africa, Eire, Northern Ireland (in the trouble) as well as inner city Birmingham and Leeds provides plenty of copy. she has had articles published by Woman Alive, Christian Writer and contributed to the popular ACW Lent book.


  1. Thanks for that reminder of having a specific space to write at home, prepping for NaNoWriMo.

    Sacred spaces are so helpful- walking on the park and seeing St Mary’s Church on the Hill is special to me. Being in nature brings me closer to God but some quiet churches do the same.

  2. As you imply, God often shines through people dedicated to him, and living out His character. Though many of us see 'sacred spaces' in many different places: some, when the building is dedicated to worship, others when the view hits their eyes as somehow special. What will prompt a person to meet withGod while leave another person simply seeing something quite ordinary! Maybe these experiences are even 'tailored to our needs'! by God? As a child, I found the local Catholic church (opposite where we lived back then) incredibly imbued with a sense of God's presence, and every Christmas we went in to see their Crib.

  3. Lovely! Yes. Thank you... and it crosses my mind that maybe our books, our writing, might be sacred spaces where readers encounter God

  4. Beautiful and I, like you, tramped the fields (of Gloucestershire) in my teens. I love the view from your writing window too 🙂

  5. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Eileen. Sometimes sacred spaces in unfamiliar places can catch you unawares. For me they often involve sea, trees and sky, singly or in combination.

  6. I write in my office. However, I have sacred spaces too, like our conservatory where I daily meet with God and I still think of my childhood village church and the surrounding graveyard where I used to spend hours reading the epitaphs and imagining the lives of the dead!

  7. Thanks for this lovely conversation everyone. Great to hear of your experiences

  8. Lovely post! Yes,i do believe in the sacredness of places - special places. There is a lake area not too far from my home boarded by many trees. In the mornings, the place has a special quality that is awesome and I have heard Papa God laugh with me as I praised him. Also, like Veronica said, at night, outside my home as I walk to the deserted park or playground and listen to night sounds, watch the the late birds and stars , I feel the sacredness of the environment. Blessings.


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