I Knew It!

Do you think I’m violent now?” His one eye looks at his siblings, the other one has a cute penguin-stickered patch on. His little cherub face is looking delighted when he announces, “Well, when I’m seven, I will be a lot more violent!” He cackles a menacing laugh, whilst his chubby hand brings the spoonful of chocolate cereal to his mouth. His siblings smile indulgently, telling him he is dreadfully violent. He sighs contentedly, telling them he wants a very fighty birthday, with water pistols, handcuffs, the lot.

Context is a funny thing, I thought, standing in the queue for the supermarket, feeling the warm sun on my face, a slight breeze, birds singing... So idyllic. The stress and mess around us feeling surreal. In fact, hard to remember that the whole reason of me standing yards away from the supermarket entrance, drinking in the sun, was so as not to endanger myself or others. The taut faces and suspicious glares from other shoppers forming a weird contrast to the beauty around us. Somehow the sunshine felt wrong, a dissonant. Things should match up, unlike my boy’s birthday warnings where little boy and dangerous words were at odds.

Like it should be grey and drizzly for funerals, the sky crying along with us. It works in Midsomer Murders where pounding rain and lightning prepares you for bad happenings. Real life isn’t like that though. Real life is sitting in a sun-drenched garden hearing from acquaintances fighting for their life in ICU. (Such a cliché, my idea left over from working in ICU was that the machines, praying families and staff did the fighting, the poor patient was knocked out by nasty drugs.).

I must admit, I do like cliché. Partly because it gives me an excuse to roll my eyes, and say, “I knew that was going to happen!” Like when somebody arrives home in the dark, finds their front door open and walks straight in, calling out in a trembling voice, “Hello? Anybody here? Who is it?” Just to get clobbered over the head. I mean, everybody knows that was going to happen. I kind of enjoy it though, the whole predictability. Reading for me is an escape, like an active nap, full of enjoyment, fascinating words and unexpected twists. Where the most likable character is of course the villain, and where ominous words were in fact innocent miscommunications. (Seems unpredictable, but is a cliché in itself!)

I believe the expected stuff helps us to feel grounded, making us remember that some things are the way they should be. Like happy endings, justice for all, integrity being rewarded. At the same time I wonder, should we as Christian writers put more emphasis on the fact that God is sovereign, and in control at all times, even when we don’t understand? That justice rests ultimately with God? “Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?” (Gen18:25). Should our settings prove that, the characters in our stories flawed in unexpected ways to make our readers think, reflect and be challenged?

The struggle is real!


  1. Brilliantly put, Maressa. I love your opening and there's nothing like a good cliche. YOu're right, why do all those characters in books walk into a house where it's been broken into. I'd ne round the neighbours quicker than you could say, weak female character

    1. Haha, definitely! Or find at least a baseball bat, whilst ringing 999...!

  2. Ah, Miss Holland, as I shall now be calling you, that's a corker!! Totally agree. Or when the light's gone in the cellar, they insist on going down the stairs to find out what that weird noise was, instead of doing what any sensible person would which is to run a mile. Great blog! Love your violent child - I remember bellowing "No guns at the table! What did I say about guns at the table?" many years ago when my then 7 year old brought a Nerf gun to the repast.

    1. Thanks Ruth, although I'm an expert at eating scones...! (With the long o sound, of course...). Guns are definitely banned from our dining room...

  3. I love your ideas about cliche here, Maressa. Such a thoughtful post.

  4. I enjoyed reading this post. Good food for thought.

  5. Yep, nice stuff from a Mum with a great attitude! I remember 2 great nephews (probably one 5 and one 7 year old) who brought their swords to a family wedding... they had sword fights in various settings - the churchyard, possibly the pew, definitely at least two at the venue where we had the meal and dancing... And yes, I recall the ICU from the patient's viewpoint (2 years ago now), and the necessary drugs are vile... but then so is the reason you are there... and everyone prayed...and I'm thankful for all of it and never want to be there again...

    1. Thank you! Always good to practise your sword fighting skills in any setting. After all, you never know when you'll need it...! And yes, ICU is a terrifying experience, although it has taught me how to filter out unnecessary noise...

  6. I think, though, there is a difference between what we know as 'a cliche', and that delicious satisfying feeling when we have our expectations fulfilled. I love looking out for and recognising tropes. It all depends on the craft and context of how the author or the film-maker uses them.

    1. Yes, that's true! It's the feeling grounded, the recognition, isn't it?


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