My Relationship with Social Media by Nikki E Salt

Sometimes I like social media and sometimes I hate it but I haven’t yet learned to love it. I’m not quite committed to it. Someone unfriended me in Twitter today because I didn’t friend them back. I thought nothing of it until I wondered if I’d really offended them. The truth is, on occasion, I’m too busy to notice new followers and other times (I’m being brutally honest here – please don’t hate me) I have a quick look at their posts and think I really can’t be bothered to be plagued by their wittering and I’ve never heard of them, anyway. (I’ve never thought that about ANY of my ACW readers!) I guess I assumed people would do the same with me. I’m not one of those social media users that minds too much about numbers of followers, retweets, likes, etc. Which is probably why I only have 165 followers. Gulp! Only 165! Oops, perhaps I do mind. A bit.

Maybe I’m not clear on why I’m using social media – is it to purely to promote myself and my writing? Is it to make new friends that share my interests? Is it a little of both? I like to think that I have a small, quality gathering that follows me and I’m pretty sure I have followed everyone back, now. I love hearing about your successes, I empathise with you when you’re down and sympathise when you’re disappointed. I try to uplift and encourage as I find this easier than sharing my own experiences. I’m not very good at promoting myself or my writing which, I know, comes down to confidence and realise that social media is the perfect place for me to take a risk and paddle further out from the shallows. Perhaps I need to TRULY believe my writing benefits people. I like to think it does.

I’ll share something with you. Once I’ve written a blog post I tend to leave it, runaway and hope for the best. Then having read Georgie’s post about disappointments with social media (18 Nov on the More than Writers blog) it slapped me – goodness what if people have been commenting on my blog post and I haven’t responded to them!! What if someone has asked me a question or needs advice and I’ve left them hanging in the ether? Are they irritated that I haven’t taken the time to respond to their writing when they have with mine? Now, that does make me feel bad so I’ll just toddle off to make amends. Sorry peeps for not thinking about you.

So, I’m still learning. My relationship with social media is obviously still at the flirtation stage but perhaps I’m ready to make a commitment! The world of writing is huge and it does give me a tingle of pleasure when I imagine the potential we have to share. People are interesting, baffling, different and enormously gifted in their own way whether it’s words, humour or whatever. Everyone has something to give.


  1. What doesn't help is the proliferating number of ways people can contact us! I often think, hey, I know I was sent a message earlier that I read but need to respond to. Was that Facebook? WhatsApp? Twitter? A text? Where was that? In the old days [ancient person-speak] a letter came in the front door and it would be on the doormat, reliably so. Or, as technology REALLY moved on, there might be an answerphone message. I am nostalgic for simplicity!

    1. I agree, Fran! You know I promised to reply to comments - well I am but it has taken me over a week to get back to you! And you might think that's bad but Ive just found a Messenger message to me dated July 2019. You are right - can we just have one, simple tool for all messages!!! They say, today we are busier than ever and social media should be making easier - I beg to differ! What was wrong with the answerphone?!

    2. You must be reading my journal or my mind! Spot on!!!

      I just wrote a rough draft this morning about seeing 2 people's notice of a birthday. I haven't thought of them in years and suddenly found myself distracted by believing I "should" reach out to them. I haven't wished them birthday wishes before, never felt obligated or guilty but now with this electronic expectation, there is a distracted nagging?

      Thank you for this valuable insight (and ironically? I wouldn't have read this if I hadn't done my obligated-by-my-publisher to get on social media once a week to post!)

  2. I nodded and "hmm'ed" several times while reading this, Nikki. As Fran says, there are just so many channels of communication these days. While that is good in one way, it's really hard work in another. I have no idea how many Twitter followers I've got and I only go on there about once a fortnight. Is that bad? Probably. But since reading Georgie's blog, I've become a bit obsessed about the blog counter. Texting, phone calls with an actual voice on the end, email, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Blogger. Oh, and the front door. Not that many people make it out here to the Middle of Nowhere. Am I really going to check all those every day? Nope. But you make a good point about responding to comments. I really enjoyed reading your blog.

    1. Hi Ruth, no that's not bad, that's normal (well as far as I'm concerned!) And, basically I wouldn't worry about the blog counter too much just keep writing! I like your posts! On a serious note, I do worry about young people who measure their own self-worth by the number of followers they have or 'likes' they get to one of their comments. So, for this reason (and many more that you've all mentioned) I am putting my foot down and declaring: I'm a child of God! No blog counter, twitter-likes, WhatsApp-comments, FaceBook-likes tells me what I'm worth, only God tells me that!

  3. I feel the same about social media Nikki. Why am I doing this? What truly is the value of it? I only got into it to promote myself as a writer. But does it achieve that end? Ultimately when I write a blog post I find it best to think of it as simply a letter to friends and family.

    1. That's a fabulous way to think of it! I do agree with you and sometimes wonder about the value of social media. I find it difficult because it is so noisy, everyone wants to have their say. I tend to limit the number of people I follow and choose them carefully. I rarely post anything on Facebook but use groups such as ACW and my local scout group page - as this is the only place with the activity information for my son!! - what happened to good old fashioned letters home!!


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