Writers Face to Face

I spent a few days in Ireland recently. As well a catching up with family, I had 2 different coffee dates with writer friends. It was hard to leave my writing connections behind, when I moved from Ireland in 2014. I had to start from scratch; finding a writing community, in some cases starting one myself. I pined for my Irish writer friends and I love to catch up with them when I'm home.

As tech'd up as we are these days, there really is nothing that compares to face to face meet-ups with other writers. I love social media and I believe the online connections are important. The ability to reach out to readers and writers across the world is amazing really. I look at the stats on my blog and I'm amazed to see the different countries that pop up. And yet, for me, something much more special happens when I unplug, sit and talk with other scribblers. I share ideas or projects and suddenly the plot or plan I've been stuck on, becomes unstuck. The work in progress that I'm bored with gets a new lease of life, by just telling someone about it. Someone who shares my creative passion who can see the potential that has been disguised by my familiarity with the work.

Writers get writers. Most of us, I hope, are blessed with patient loved ones who 'bear with us' and our literary foibles, but spending time with writers can be like coming home.

Ours can be a lonely craft. Most of the time, it's about getting our butts on the chair and getting some words on the page. So in 2019, let's take every opportunity that comes for a get-together. Think about the ACW Writers' Days. Find a local group or attend a book launch. If there isn't one locally, go on a day trip to. Ring a faraway writing friend and agree to meet half way for a conflab.

I came back from my trip to Ireland feeling full. I'd had a large dose of family fun, spiritual encouragement with some old church friends, and a boost of creative vavoom after my writer reunions. I can't recommend it enough - and I charge you to go find some for yourself. x

Annmarie Miles is from Dublin, Ireland. 
She lives with her husband Richard who is a pastor in the Eastern Valley of Gwent, in South Wales. She writes short stories, magazine articles, devotional pieces for Christian radio, and blogs about her faith at www.auntyamo.com Her first collection of short stories published in 2013, is called 'The Long & The Short of it' Her second collection, 'A Sense of the Sea and other stories' was published in December 2018. She is currently editing a non-fiction book about being an overweight Christian called, 'Have mercy on me O Lord, a slimmer.'


  1. I totally agree, AnnMarie. There's so much you don't have to explain when jawing with fellow-writers.

  2. You're so right. I love face to face meetings with other writers. They can really unlock the imagination/spur one on.

    1. You’re so right Fran. I came back bursting with ideas :)

  3. Thanks Aggie. ‘Jawing’ what a great word :)


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