Did you find a word for the year? by Susan Sanderson

I was reminded that I had chosen a word for the year, when I read the post by Helen Murray on 23 August.  Her word for the year is Alive.  Mine is Rest. https://suestrifles.wordpress.com/2016/01/09/my-one-word-2016/
I had become aware that I find it very difficult to do nothing.  Sometimes I try to do more than one thing at a time.  I often check my phone at mealtimes.  I know it is unnecessary and not good manners.  The information arriving on my phone is unlikely to be urgent.  Impatience does not sit well with resting.
I took a rest from knitting for a few months.  I recently knitted a baby garment with a self-imposed deadline, which I met.  My current project is just for fun.  I am knitting a small jumper with no recipient in mind.  There are no deadlines.  Perhaps I can correct some bad habits I have, when I am trying to get something finished quickly.  I become tense, knit too tightly and hurt my index finger by using it to press the point of a needle to move the stitches towards it.  I knit for hours at a time. 
I treated myself to a beautiful colouring book Images of Grace by Jacqui Grace.  For the price of a paperback book it has given me far more hours of enjoyment than any of the books I have read recently.  Even colouring can bring out my competitive or impatient streak!  I have to slow myself down.
A page from my copy of  Images of  Grace

Rest and relaxation go together.  If we are learning to “Abide in the Lord” we should have a more relaxed view of life.  We do not need always to be busy.  Sometimes we cannot avoid being busy.  In the busy times it is easy to lose sight of what is important and to become disconnected from God.  Resting in God is about his peace and his guidance.  Rest involves remaining and trusting, waiting for him to act or to prompt us to act.  Sometimes he prompts us and we respond immediately.  Other times we are reluctant or rebellious.  (I am not the only one, am I?)
Two thirds of the way through a stressful year, how am I getting on?
There have been times when I have been very aware of God’s presence and his gracious answers to prayer.  I am also aware that I often speak without considering what needs to be said.  I have taken a break from my work in progress (WIP), but carried on blogging at a (just about) sustainable rate.  When I return to my WIP I may begin again (3rd attempt!) with a different perspective.
Perhaps by living from an attitude of rest and knowing the peace of God, we can achieve more than if we try to do things our own way.  Surely God knows what is important and will guide us to make the best use of our time.  We have to learn to listen to him.  Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Previous posts on More than Writers blog by Susan Sanderson

Susan always wanted to be a writer.  In 2012 she revived her interest in writing with a project to collect the kinds of sayings, which were much used in her childhood.
Blogging was intended as a way of improving writing skills, but has become an interest in its own right.  Susan experiments with factual writing, fiction, humour and poetry.  She does not yet have a book to her name. Her interests include words, languages, music, knitting and crochet.  She has experience of the world of work, being a stay-at-home mum and an empty-nester.   She is active in her local community and Church, where she sings alto in the choir. She and her husband live in the north of England

Follow her on Twitter @suesconsideredt


  1. Beautifully put Susan. Something I need to remember as well

  2. Thank you, Wendy. I have found that writing this post (a few days ago) has helped me to put what I wrote about into practice. Especially the knitting! Sue

  3. Susan, you echo my feelings exactly! I am always rushing about, whether in reality or in my mind/feelings. We had a week of holiday at home, last week, as husband had some leave. I slowed down. My problem was not un-slowing once he was back at work ... am really trying to achieve, but slowly and restfully ... thank you for your post.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I think we just have to keep reminding ourselves, especially when things become busier as they do for most people in the autumn. Sue

  4. I took up colouring this year as a way to make myself STOP. But I generally do it while listening to the radio, so I'm still double-tasking! I think it does the job though.

    1. I don't usually manage to do any colouring without something distracting going on around me. Perhaps that is modern life. Thanks for commenting, Fran. Sue

  5. A super post Susan. I also find it hard to rest. I think technology has made me itch for activity which is not always a good thing. Thanks for the reminder to take rest seriously.

    1. Thanks, Deborah. It is especially important as the new term starts. Sue

  6. I am very aware of my need to rest in the Lord. I find I don't allow myself to completely rest, then I get exhausted. This is s timely reminder to rest more. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting, Lynda. I need to keep reminding myself. Sue

  7. Thank you for this, Susan. I desperately need to find a way to build rest into each week; my so-called hamster wheel keeps me going constantly and it's only when I find I'm totally exhausted and at the end of my tether that I realise that I haven't found any space for rest for days or weeks. It's not a 'nice-to-have' but something essential. Thank you for the reminder. x

    1. Thanks for reminding me about the "one word", Helen - I keep forgetting, but writing this post has made me focus more. Sue


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