Would You Like to be a Gargoyle? by janet Wilson

I have a question for you; who do you write for? Yourself Some of us write for ourselves. For years I wrote a five-year diary, then progressed to a journal, which was enormously helpful, but only to me. In fact, those journals were/are strictly for my eyes only. Strictly! In fact I should burn some of the old ones . . . A Small Circle If you feel called to write letters to prisoners, stories for your niece, events for your church newsletter, or your family history for posterity, do not say, “ I only write . . .” Uh-uh! No, if this is what you are called to, fling your shoulders back, smile broadly and say, “I write short stories for my niece!” or whatever. In fact, why not do it now? (Unless you're reading this on a train and your fellow-passengers don't really care. Or just go for it anyway . . . if you do, write and let us know how it goes. :-)) A Wider Circle Maybe you write a blog, or features for magazines. Perhaps you write articles for trade jour...