We are a wonderfully diverse group of writers united by our relationship with God. We write in many genres and for different reasons. However small or large our achievements, we are inspired to write by God. However elusive the Spirit may seem, God is with us when we write.  We have the  opportunity to strengthen the faith of others as well as to introduce God to non-believers, sceptics and atheists.

In writing to attract people to the Christian faith we need to cater not only for those who believe literally in the words in the Bible, but also for those who find it impossible to believe in the stories and events that defy science and the power of reason that God has given us. 

The message we need to concentrate on is the love God has for each one of us, whether Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, etc., and those of no faith at all. 

Recently I watched a conversation between Richard Dawkins, almost legendary in his atheism, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a former atheist and now a Christian. What was impressive was not only Ayaan's change of heart, but her conviction that the love demonstrated by Christians is exactly what the human race needs in order to live well together. Love is what we offer the world, and let us agree to disagree over the precise meaning of the words chosen by the God-inspired authors of the books in the Bible.

Literal meanings or myths containing deep truths? It doesn't matter.

What matters is tolerance and love, and these are what we must always convey in our writing and in our lives.

PS The debate can be watched here if you're curious.


Veronica Bright has won over forty prizes for her short stories, now published in three collections. She writes occasional reviews for Transforming Ministry and is working on a novel for young teenagers. 


  1. Very lovely post Veronica and a powerful one too!I like your intake on ' Love and tolerance' - the best ingredients for any relationship that reflect our Lord's relationship towards mankind and expected to be emulated. Thanks too for the advice for our writing and the encouragement for our lives. Blessings.

  2. This is powerful! Love is the all of Christianity, and should be integrated into all aspects of our lives, including our writing. Thanks, Veronica ♥️ Time has not permitted me to watch the debate, but your message in the blog is truly impactful.

  3. Veronica Bright17 July 2024 at 22:26

    Thank you for your comments. Much appreciated.

  4. Amen Veronica. God loves us all.


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