Note from a Canvas Chair

What an experience! Dance, story, and song all mangled together with the addition of a fiddle and an accordion. Snatching a lull in the rain, I sit in my canvas chair and contemplate the evening, eager to capture the magic of this place in a few words.  

I am at Gate to Southwell and this is my first folk festival experience. Though I never imagined I’d be caught up in a frenzy of Morris men, clog dancers, and a banjo player I am surprised by the joy and inspiration it brings.

Every song, every dance, and every lilting ballad brings a story of some sort, whether a bitter moment in history or a fairy tale of long ago, I am mesmerized by the mixture of words, dance, and music.

Artists I’d never before experienced now have become part of my new menu, Rhiannon Giddons, Feet First, and Frog on a Bike, the strange and eclectic names drip from the tongue and fill one with both curiosity and delight.

Funny, there is no whisper of faith or religion but for me, God is in every part of this experience. I am among a human tapestry of creativity, diversity, and colour. What a privilege!


  1. That's pushed me straight onto to see what other folk artists are like Frog on the Bike, Feet First, and Rhiannon Giddins! Sadly, Feet First, and my favourite, Frog on a Bike, is not to be seen but Rhiannon Giddins is surrounded by an array of similar artists - my morning's music sorted! Thank you. Refreshing article - thanks and, yes, God is there...if in no other guise then in you!

    1. Oh wow, John, that's made my day. What a fab comment. Enjoy your folky music session!

  2. Lovely post, Nikki! Thanks. You perfectly describe the experience I felt when I went to watch ABBA with family last year! Abba made me see and feel the awesomeness of God. Amazing. Blessings.

  3. Great post Nikki, I can recommend listening to The Keston Cobblers. I will be looking up the ones you mention.

  4. I used to go to the Cambridge Folk Festival every year - we stopped in 2013 as we were spending out for the children to spend the entire time in the paddling pool and at the playpark. We've unearthed our trailer tent, still full of all their toys from that last time, and they all want to go back! So folking it up and reading your blog with interest


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