Post Retreat Ramblings by Joy Margetts

 I am sitting writing this with tired feet resting on a cushioned footstall and a weary body luxuriating in a wonderfully soft armchair. There are piles of washing and unpacked bags all around me, but I am happy to leave them just where they are for now. I am exhausted. But my heart is full.

Our Writing Kingdom Stories Retreat finished this morning. Barely a few hours ago. Sharing those few days away with like minded writers was special. We laughed and we cried. The sun shone and the rain rained. We eat too much, and slept too little. And God was so evidently with us.

As it was a writer's retreat, I though I would have time to write this blog whilst we were away. As I was hosting and leading the retreat, I should have known better! So here I am struggling to express what I/we have just experienced and finding it very difficult. Not just because of the exhaustion.

In these moments, when we have just returned from spending time with wonderful people and experiencing wonderful things with those wonderful people, it is hard to put into words exactly how we feel.  I have already been asked by a couple of people, 'How did the Retreat go?'. A kind question, and well meant, especially when it comes from those I know have been praying for us. But it is honestly hard to answer them. Except to say, 'It was good, thanks'. It was good, but that doesn't really adequately convey all that I am feeling right now. I need time to process, and decompress, to ponder and to pray. So perhaps now is not the time to tell you all about the Retreat and how it actually went.

So instead I have decided to give you a little insight into some of the fabulous teaching that was shared over the weekend. Soundbites of sorts. Hopefully in the future I will be able to share more about what happened and how those who attended responded to it. But perhaps this will serve as a taster for now, and give you some idea of what we were about. Six of us took turns in leading six sessions, spaced over the weekend.

1. What are Kingdom Stories? - Joy Margetts 

The most powerful stories we can write are those that flow out of our intimacy with God 

2. Writing God Encounter Stories - Joanna Watson

 They matter because those encounter stories reveal God at work, yesterday, today and forever. What He has done before, He will do again.

3. The Bible as our muse - Natasha Woodcraft

  All Biblical stories are there to expose a truth. Our stories should unravel lie and expose a (biblical) truth.

4. Partnering with Holy Spirit to write our stories - Rachel Yarworth

 Don't chase the world's definition of what makes a good book. We are co-labourers with Christ and carriers of the Kingdom. We are different.

5. The Who, What, When, Why and How? - Alex Banwell

  What is my why? Why do I feel called to write? And what is my what? What am I supposed to be  writing? Don't try to be what you are not. I write like me, and you write like you!

6. From Writing to Book - Joy Vee

        'My book is not my giro, Jehovah is my Jireh!'

(That last one I am tempted to paint in large letters somewhere prominent in my home! It is good to be reminded that we are not in this for the money.) 

If you want to find out more about Kingdom Story Writers and why we ran the retreat, do check us out on Facebook, or visit our website at Or find our Kingdom Story Writers Podcast on any of the listening platforms.

 Joy Margetts writes Christian Historical Fiction. Her debut novel 'The Healing' was published in March 2021, and her second ‘The Pilgrim’ in July 2022. Her third novel 'The Bride' was  published 20th October 2023. She has also recently published her first non-fiction book, an Advent Devotional entitled 'Christ Illuminated'.

 Joy makes her home in beautiful North Wales and takes her inspiration from its rich spiritual history and stunning landscapes. She is also wife, mother and grandmother and a lover of the Word of God. Her personal blog and more information about her books can be found here 


  1. Thank you Amber! And thank you for being there x

  2. This will take some processing and unpacking, but what a wonderful opportunity! I bet it was amazing and life changing

    1. It was amazing, and hopefully life changing for some. And I've almost finished unpacking...

  3. Wow! You guys had a real blessed time!! Really lovely post. The 6 teachings listed out here are fab!! We bless God for the time, the opportunity, the grace, the wisdom and His banner of love over us all. I look forward to hearing bits of it as the months roll by! Blessings.

    1. Thank you so much Sophia! You are such a blessing in your faithfulness to read and comment every day. May God Bless you x

  4. It sounds like an awesome and beautiful time Joy. Well done! I wish I could have cone but was in hosp having a hip replacement op. Was praying for you all. Thank you for sharing I would love to cone another time. xxx

  5. Lovely post Joy, you have described it so well, it is like we were there with you all. God bless.

  6. Thank you for sharing! The topics sound so encouraging and praying for the blessing to carry on multiplying!


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