Is there an App for that? by Brendan Conboy

Image by Marius Berthelsen from Pixabay

My last two blogs have focused on the characters we create April here and May here. Now here’s a little more on the theme of characters.

I’ve been thinking about Apps lately. If you have a smartphone it will be packed full of Apps but is there an App to help with character development? There seems to be an App for just about anything and yes, there is an App for character development – more on that later.

I’ve realised, you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their Apps. For instance, I have an App to play chess, a few Bible Apps, a metronome, one for my legal services, Screwfix, B&Q and a plant identifier, plus the usual social media array. You might deduce that I am a strategic-thinking Christian, who is musical and recently moved house. The house needs lots of refurbishment and the garden is a jungle that requires a lot of work and I share my progress online.

What sort of Apps would any of your characters benefit from? My character, Gideon, from my Mimics series, would benefit from a compass App to find Trenchant, an Ice Age survival App and an App to show the location of the ‘Keepers.’


So, what is the App for character development? It’s called ‘Auctor’ and I have only had a chance to look at it briefly. Perhaps you could play with it and let me know what you think. In the meantime, I have a house to knock about and express a different type of creativity. If you would like to follow that journey. Either join my mailing list HERE or simply follow me on Facebook HERE.

Brendan Conboy aka Half Man Half Poet is the author of 16 published books including two fascinating autobiographies, The Golden Thread and I'm Still VALUED.  In 1986, Brendan invited Jesus into his life and God blessed him with the gift of rhyming words.  He used that gift as a Christian Rap artist for 25 years and has written 6 poetry books including the entire Book of Psalms in Rhyme.  He has 3 published novels - Issues, Invasion of the Mimics and Legacy of the Mimics.  He is the creator of Book Blest Christian book festival.  Brendan is available for speaking events, poetry performances and workshops.  Visit Brendan's website HERE.


  1. What a lovely post, Brendan! Thanks. So good to know about Auctor. Well, I do not have any apps! What can one tell about me? Just visited your awesome website and would love to know how you designed it. Maybe I can contact you soon? Thanks for all the tips on character development. Blessings.

    1. Thanks Sophia, yes, if you want to catch up over Zoom, just let me know. Websites can be a bit demanding.

    2. Thank you so much Brendan. Will do. Blessings.

  2. We share some of the same apps. I shall be looking at Auctor for sure. Today I downloaded Imposter Syndrome Hacks....must say something about me!

    1. I'll have to have a look at that one, David, thanks Brendan 😊

  3. Thank you for your interesting post Brendan, and as for your website, I’m blown away. It is so amazing and encouraging to see everything you do. Your short videos are very encouraging and moving and I love the background music. It is wonderful to see how you have used your life to inspire so many others, that is truly God’s gift. You are a blessing.

  4. Thank you, Brendan! I do like apps, and auctor sounds interesting!


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