Overcoming Obstacles by Jane Walters

Last year, a lovely friend sent me an unexpected present through the post. It was a 5-year diary with a difference: each day asks one specific question which you answer on the provided blank lines. I’m not even a full year on yet, but already these questions open up some interesting responses. Here are some examples:

Is your house clean?

What expression do you overuse?

What surprised you today?

What was your last great meal?

If you were a literary character, who would you be?

It’s great fun filling in the gaps each day and I find it much easier to keep up with than a regular diary. But every now and then, the question smacks me between the eyes. I had already settled on which topic to write this blog on, but this morning (12 June) I read this: ‘Is something in your way? Can you move it?’

On Saturday 15 June, ACW are hosting another in their series of Zoom events, with a theme of Overcoming Obstacles. (Book here: ACW Summer Writers' Day Two (Zoom) Tickets, Sat 15 Jun 2024 at 10:00 | Eventbrite – you can even choose to watch it later.) Sarah Grace will be leading on Imposter Syndrome – that dreaded fear of being found out that leeches away our self-confidence – and I’ll be addressing some of the other issues that get in the way of us writing. The hope is that once these obstacles are removed or overcome, we can get on with the joyful bit: the wonderful heart-satisfaction that comes through writing.

As a sideways example, I have a dream of buying bunkbeds for when my grand-daughters to come and stay. I have researched them thoroughly – well, sufficiently to appreciate how jolly expensive they are and therefore I’ll stick to Facebook Marketplace, thank you very much – and in my mind they are already installed and resplendent with two sleeping bodies. However, if I were to post here a photo of the room they are destined to go in, you’ll appreciate the problem. There is barely a square inch of floor space, whilst the room serves as a kind of indoor shed.

Translate this to our writing. We have a dream: a bestseller? A thesis? (Fill in the gaps for your own WIP.) We even have plans: a self-imposed deadline, take a week off work to make a dent in it, send the family off somewhere to give us some peace. But…here is where reality can bite. No matter how great (and achievable) the dream, our ‘floor space’ is filled with obstacles that trip us up, obscure the view and make us want to give up before we have barely started.

Sounds familiar? Why not come along on Saturday, listen to some great teaching and join in the discussions? Learning from each other is the equivalent of helping clear out our spare rooms…

Jane Walters is Chair of ACW and leads ACW group Green Pastures Christian Writers.

She is currently working on a manuscript for BRF Ministries.


Insta: @readywritersretreats




  1. I can't recommend it highly enough!

  2. I wish I could. I need to hear this. Because of severe deafness and the need to lipread Zoom doesn't work for me. Maureen Chapman - pressed anon button by accident and can't change it.

    1. Maureen, have you used the captions feature? It renders everything spoken as written word on the screen.

    2. Hi I have just seen this. i had forgotten the captions option. Hubby is recovering from a heart attack and is doing well, but is forgetful and needs me to help him at times. Saturday am we do the weekly shop. I'll try to join if i can. i could watch later. Thankyou so much for caring.

    3. My pleasure. I hate to think of you missing out x

  3. Thanks Jane, yes my 'floor' is often cluttered! I can't make Saturday but after reading this I have booked a ticket to receive the recording.

  4. Lovely post, Jane. Thanks for all the encouragement about tomorrow and our writing. Never seen a diary like the one you mentioned! What a lovely present! See you tomorrow by God's grace. Blessings.


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