
We were recently invited to an Art Exhibition by a friend of ours, who was displaying his artwork at a Golf Club in Dulwich.  It was part of the Dulwich Festival weekend. He sent us the booklet about the weekend prior to us attending, so that we could have a good look through it. It was “Artists’ Open House” where the local artists would literally open their beautiful homes to the public to view the various artwork inside, and they made their homes into art exhibitions for the weekend, where they also offered drinks and snacks.  We decided to go on the Sunday.  It was a beautiful day and we had a wonderful time. I can highly recommend it.


When we returned home I went inside and put the kettle on.  John was looking for his door keys, which is a very common occurrence in our house, and he would usually find them in his pocket or, occasionally, in his hand!  This time, he couldn’t find them anywhere.  I was so used to it happening I just take it with a pinch of salt and wait for the “Oh, I’ve found them” before I start looking myself.  This time, he had checked the car, the floor, under the seats, his pockets, everywhere.  I needed to get involved now.  He said he thought he had them in the morning.  I said he was talking to the neighbour before we left, what did he do after that?  He said we got in the car.  I called the coffee shop we had been in on the Sunday morning, the Golf club and traced back to all the places we had visited. Very exhausting. John called his friend and he then went on a search for the keys, but to no avail. 


I didn’t think much more about the keys, as I knew they would turn up sooner or later.  We got on with our Sunday, and Monday, and still no keys.  We started to look everywhere you could think of in the house and the keys had not turned up.  John decided to change the locks so he went to the DIY shop and fitted new locks in the front door on Monday afternoon.  It didn’t matter about the keys now.


Tuesday morning was a cold and rainy day.  I was in the middle of housework when something made me go upstairs and led me to look out of my front bedroom window at the pouring rain, and to my utter surprise, I saw, laying on the top of the green and blue wheelie bin, THE KEYS!! And the book!  I ran downstairs as quick as I could, before someone took them, (forgetting that we had already changed the locks).  I picked up the soaking wet book and dripping keys and went inside. 


When I got my thoughts together, I wondered how they actually got there.  If John had put them on the wheelie bin on Sunday morning while he was talking to the neighbour, that is still two whole  days and nights they were sitting there.  The bin is just next to the pavement, as you can see in the photo, by the road name sign, and it is a busy area where lots of people pass our house, going to work or walking their dogs, and school children go by twice a day.  Anyone could have easily leaned over and picked up the keys.  The amazing thing is, we didn’t see the keys there at all when we were looking for them outside.  How did we miss them.  We parked the car just by the wheelie bins so we would have definitely seen them, you would think.


I text John and told him I found the keys and took a photo and sent them to him.  He remembered  talking to the neighbour and must have put them on the bin, but we cannot explain how they were still there and we didn’t see them, and not only that, how nobody took them, or even knocked on our door to give them to us.


The conclusion:  It's wonderful to know that we have some very honest people in the world, or, God sent and Angel to cover them so they wouldn’t be seen by anyone else until we found them.

Derrice has written a book called "Glenna's Angel - A Miracle from God" when God sent an Angel to her mother and healed her instantly in the ambulance from a near-death stroke.  Derrice was in the ambulance at the time with her mother, and witnessed the miracle. It totally changed her mother's life from that day on.  The book is on Amazon and can be obtained in bookstores worldwide. 

She has also written articles for some Church magazines.


  1. Lovely post, Derrice. God's angels were watching over your house! Still a mystery none of you found the keys before changing the locks!! Just shows how God watches over us at all times in mercy. Blessings.

    1. Thank you Sophia, yes it is a mystery and we did wonder, but we also realised that we hadn’t changed the locks when we moved in to this house a few months back, which is something we always did when we move to a new house, so it made us do that, but still a mystery as to how we didn’t notice the keys and how they were still there, except for God’s Angels. God bless you.

  2. Glad you found them and you were kept safe! Now thinking of a story...

    1. Thank you Marissa yes He did and yes definitely a story to write. God bless you.


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